

oxide是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“[化學] 氧化物”。


  • 外文名:oxide
  • 詞性:名詞




zinc oxiden. 氧化鋅
nitric oxide氧化一氮
iron oxide氧化鐵
metal oxiden. 金屬氧化物;金屬氧化物電阻;金屬絕緣膜
oxide film氧化膜;氧化物保護膜


  • 1The gas is fed back over the calcium oxide.氣體的反應體現在氧化鈣上。
  • 2To recover the energy, the gas is fed back over the calcium oxide.為了回收能量,氣體重新與氧化鈣反應。
  • 3Heating this chemical compound drives off carbon dioxide gas, leaving calcium oxide.這種化合物加熱後會排出二氧化碳,產生氧化鈣。
  • 4Nitrogen-oxide emissions during the cruising portions of the flight fell by around a quarter.飛行中巡航部分的氮氧化物的排放量下降了四分之一左右。
  • 5Insects produce less ammonia than pig and poultry farming, ten times less methane than livestock, and 300 times less nitrous oxide.昆蟲產生的氨比豬和家禽少,它們產生的甲烷比家畜少十倍,而產生的一氧化二氮比家畜少三百倍。
  • 6You could run the reaction, take solid iron and gaseous oxygen, form iron oxide, measure the heat of formation of it, and tabulate it.你可以進行一個反應,用固態鐵和氧氣生成氧化鐵,測量它生成的熱,列成表格。
  • 7From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purified form of cobalt oxide unobtainable at that time in China—that contained only a low level of manganese.中國人從中東獲得了一種藍色顏料,這是一種當時在中國很難得到的純淨的氧化鈷,這種顏料只含有少量的錳。
  • 8The atmosphere has small amounts of nitrous oxide.大氣中含有少量一氧化二氮。
  • 9Dentists may give patients nitrous oxide so they will not feel pain.牙醫可能會給病人一氧化二氮,這樣他們就不會感到疼痛。
  • 10Geologist Gerard Bond noticed that some of the sediment grains were stained with iron oxide, evidence that they originated in locales where glaciers had overrun outcrops of red sandstone.地質學家傑拉德·邦德注意到,一些沉積物顆粒被氧化鐵染色,這表明它們起源於冰川覆蓋紅砂岩露頭的地方。
  • 11The main secondary manganese oxide is hollandite.次生錳氧化物主要為錳鋇礦。
  • 12Germanium forms an amphoteric oxide GeO2 and anionic germanates, such as Mg2GeO4.鍺形成了兩性氧化物 GeO2 和陰離子鍺酸鹽,如 Mg2GeO4。
  • 13Nitric oxide synthase activity may also result in the subsequent activation of guanylyl cyclase and PKG.一氧化氮合酶活性也可能導致隨後的冠狀液環化酶和 PKG 的激活。
  • 14Portions of the oxide layer are removed to substantially planarize the trench-filled oxide layer as the first polysilicon layer.所述氧化層的部分被移除,以使所述溝槽填充的氧化層作為第一多晶矽層基本平面化。
  • 15Quartz Wool was made from high-purity quartz, extremely low in metallic oxide impurities.試映羊毛採用高純石英製成,非常適用於進樣口襯管。
  • 16Ziram was synthesized in an one-step with aqueous solution of dimethylamine carbon disulfide and zinc oxide.以二甲胺水溶液、二硫化碳和氧化鋅為原料一步合成了福美鋅。
  • 17The mainly products of Raw materials of Tianxiang Bio-pharmacy are Tiamulin Fumarate, Tilmicosin Phosphate, Ceftiofur Hydrochloride, Albendazole Oxide, etc.天象生物主要生產的獸用原料藥有延胡索酸泰妙菌素、磷酸替米考星、鹽酸頭孢噻呋、氧阿笨達唑等。
  • 18This cup has no uranium oxide.這個杯子沒含二氧化鈾。
  • 19It has uranium oxide in it.它含有二氧化鈾。
  • 20That red is uranium oxide.那紅的是二氧化鈾。
  • 21One is indium tin oxide.一種是氧化錫銦。
  • 22Iron oxide, after all, is not toxic.畢竟氧化鐵是無毒的。
  • 23Aluminum oxide, aluminum plus oxygen.氧化鋁,鋁加上氧。
  • 24Magnesium oxide works.氧化鎂。
  • 25Nitrous oxide is also a greenhouse gas.氮化物一氧化氮也是溫室氣體的一種。
  • 26Uranium oxide. Okay.二氧化鈾,好了。
  • 27How can you get rid of this oxide coating?你們該怎樣除去這些氧化皮?
  • 28Nitrogen oxide.氮氧化合物。
  • 29Hematite is an iron oxide that is deep red in color.赤鐵礦是一種具有深紅顏色的氧化鐵。


