adj. 難以說清楚的,模糊的;鮮為人知的,默默無聞的;未被查實的,不確定的;費解的,晦澀的
v. 遮掩,遮蔽;使費解
n. 某種模糊的或不清楚的東西
1Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion.她的詩隨處可見晦澀的文學典故。《牛津詞典》
2We mustn't let these minor details obscure the main issue.我們不能讓枝節問題掩蓋主要問題。《牛津詞典》
3The meaning is still obscure to me.我對這意義還很模糊。《新英漢大辭典》
4The title was unusual and a bit obscure.這本書的標題不尋常,而且有點晦澀難懂。
5The codes are so obscure and so flexible that they defy rational explanation.這些代碼是如此晦澀難懂,如此靈活,以至於無法進行合理解釋。
6The response contains language errors or expressions that largely obscure connections or meaning at key junctures.回響中包含一些語言錯誤或表達方式,這些錯誤或表達方式在關鍵時刻嚴重掩蓋了其聯繫或含義。
7This is not the average cultural exchange. There are no obscure acrobatic troupes and no awkward high school students.這不是一般的文化交流。這裡沒有不起眼的雜技團,也沒有笨拙的高中生。
8Hundreds of others are more obscure in their meanings and testify to the amazing specialization in medieval arts, crafts and functions.其他成百上千的詞在含義上更加模糊,證明了中世紀藝術、工藝和功能的驚人專業化。
9These successes paradoxically obscure the tremendous human costs of historically accumulated disadvantage that remain central to black Americans' lives.這些成功卻自相矛盾地掩蓋了歷史上積累的不利因素所造成的巨大人力成本,而這些不利因素仍然是美國黑人生活的核心。
10I found her lecture very obscure.我覺得她的講座非常費解。《牛津詞典》
11The origin of the custom is obscure.該習俗的起源鮮為人知。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
12The derivation of its name is obscure.它名字的根源起源鮮為人知。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
13The origin of the word remains obscure.該詞的來源尚不清楚。《牛津詞典》
14The contracts are written in obscure language.那些契約是用複雜難懂的語言寫的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
15For some obscure reason , he failed to turn up.他莫名其妙地沒有如期露面。《牛津詞典》
16He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.他生於1650年前後,但身世不詳。《牛津詞典》
17These obscure groups were of little account in either national or international politics.這些無名的組織在國內或國際政治中都是無足輕重的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
18The sky must be very dark for a moonbow to be watched clearly—any bright light can obscure it.要想清楚地觀察到月虹,天空必須非常黑暗——任何明亮的光線都可能使它模糊。
19The stories twine together in obscure ways, some successful, some less so.故事晦澀地交織在一起,有些寫得很成功,有些就稍遜一籌。
20I never learned how to play upon a lute; but I know how to raise a small and obscure city to glory and greatness.我從不知如何彈奏魯特琴;但我懂得如何使一座無名小鎮發展成輝煌而偉大的城市。
21Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that's subtly acidic, with the sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center.番石榴是一種不太出名的熱帶水果,它有一種微妙的酸性,在你吃到中間的時候甜味會增強。
22The country has pretty much defeated the boll weevil, and the Department of Agriculture individually tests every bale on obscure measures.這個國家幾乎已經打敗了棉鈴象鼻蟲,農業部對每包棉鈴都用複雜難懂的方法進行了單獨的測試。
23That might seem rather an obscure point, but it sets the tone for an exhibition that contains a lot of black-and-white photographs and relatively few natural objects.這可能會有些晦澀難懂,但它為一個展覽奠定了基調,展覽中包含了大量的黑白照片和相對較少的自然物體。
24At the same time, Dickens, who had a reporter's eye for transcribing the life around him especially anything comic or odd, submitted short sketches to obscure magazines.與此同時,狄更斯以記者的眼光來記錄他周圍的生活,尤其是滑稽或古怪的事情,並向一些不知名的雜誌投稿他的短篇小說。
25Your ideas seem very obscure to me.你的觀點很叫我費解。《新英漢大辭典》
26The answer is obscure, optimally so.答案是模糊的,因而也是最優的。
27It was an obscure night of early May.那是五月初的一個朦朧的夜晚。
28Are you attracted to obscure places?你是否對偏遠地區倍感興趣?
29The etymology of the name is obscure.這個名字的詞源尚不清楚。