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  • 外文名:Nothing
  • 歌曲時長:03分59秒
  • 歌曲原唱薛之謙
  • 填詞:郭冠廷
  • 譜曲:薛之謙
  • 編曲:周以力
  • 音樂風格:流行
  • 發行日期:2023年4月20日
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 製作人:周以力
  • 弦樂三重奏:顏柯、畢芳、郎瑩
  • 弦樂錄音:王小四@金田錄音棚
  • 配唱:郭冠廷
  • 貝斯:陳然然
  • 吉他:周以力
  • 單簧管:吳丹
  • 圓號:劉一君
  • 錄音:張森浩
  • 混音:趙靖@SBMS Beijing
  • 母帶:全相彥@Okmaster
Guess I should leave
The train is here on time
I know
This rain is holding you behind
I am still waiting for you
I am still waiting for nothing
Come back to me
Come back to me
Would you do something for me
Just tell me this isn't ending
Lie to me
Lie to me
留在月台 對峙著人海
用我的呼喚 吹散了雲彩
I am still waiting for you
I am still waiting for nothing
Come back to me
Come back
Would you do something for me
Just tell me this isn't ending
Lie to me
Lie to me sometime
I am still waiting for you
I am still waiting for nothing
Come back to me
Come back to me
Would you be honest with me
Would you do something for nothing
Fix me
Fix me
我 除了你 什麼都沒有


