- 外文名:non-violent
- 釋義:非暴力的
- 詞性:形容詞
- 性質:英語單詞
釋義adj. 非暴力的 網路 非暴力; 暴力行為;示例King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent protest against racial injustice. 金是全世界非暴力抗議種族不平等...
督導訓練側重精神動力學,人本主義方法,高度重視多元文化,多種種族,多種信仰的平等和彼此尊重,著力訓練諮詢師詢問的藝術(如non-violent communication 非暴力交流)和...
11. 2010年10月2-16日,夏威夷,國際非暴力研討會,英文報告《中國儒家非暴力哲學 Confucianism as a non-violent philosophy》;12. 2009年12月,北京外國語大學,“...
“非暴力直接行動”(Non-violent direct action) 是指公眾通過和平手段,採取直接的行動,表達對社會公平正義的要求,或是以此來達成促進社會變革的目的。這通常是在...
Snooping must have been in the Hardy blood, since Frank and Joe were always stumbling across mysterious goings-on, usually of the non-violent kind. ...
⒈Zhang Xuemin *,Chang Liu,& Langlang Wang et al.,Effects of Violent and Non-violent Computer Video Games on Explicit and Implicit Aggression,Journal ...
6.2003年,聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)將NVC列為全球正式教育和非正式教育領域非暴力解決衝突的最佳實踐之一(Best Practices on Non-Violent Conflict Resolution in &...
tellin' me to get the non-violent spirit, 'cause when I'm violent is the only time you devils hear it!"[39] 再後來的歌中他又深刻地表達了了他...
5.Non-Violent Resistance6.Politics or Circus7.Commandments or Constitution8.A South African Journey9.Heat Wave Deaths in Paris...
When Men are Not Violent: A Psycho-Historical Approach. Invited paper ...Crozier,B. Non-utilization of Mental Health Services: A Phenomenological ...
“學生非暴力協調委員會” the Student for Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)、“黑豹黨”(BP)、“氣象員派” the Weathermen《休倫港宣言》(1962年)...
He made the mistake of teaching me that Patrick Henry was a patriot, and George Washington, wasn’t nothing non-violent about old Pat or George ...