



  • 外文名:nominate
  • 詞性:動詞、形容詞
  • 發音:英 [ˈnɒmɪneɪt] 美 [ˈnɑːmɪneɪt]


英 [ˈnɒmɪneɪt] 美 [ˈnɑːmɪneɪt]
v. 提名,推薦;任命,指派;挑選,指定(事件的日期或地點)
adj. (動植物)以種名命名的
[ 第三人稱單數 nominates 現在分詞 nominating 過去式 nominated 過去分詞 nominated ]


Nominate a ship 指定船舶進行航行 ; 指定船舶進行飛翔 ; 指定船舶停止飛行
nominate sb for sth 推選某人做某事
nominate sb to 任命
nominate subspecies 指名亞種 ; 亞洲象的指名亞種
Nominate e 提名 ; 任命 ; 推薦
nominate surveyor 指定的驗船師
nominate vessel 提名的船隻 ; 提名船隻
nominate sb 提名某人 ; 推薦
nominate to 提名為


  • The Security Council can nominate anyone for secretary-general. 安全理事會可以提名任何人為秘書長。
  • If you'd like to recognize the greenness of an individual or organization, why not nominate them for an Environmental Achievement Award. 如果你想讚揚某個人或團體的綠色環保行為,何不將他們提名為環境成就獎的候選人?
  • If you are interested, I will be happy to nominate you. 如果你感興趣,我很樂意提名你。
  • The Tom Daschle Miscommunication. Perhaps one of the most unfortunate incidents concerns the man nominate to be Health Secretary — Senator Tom Daschle. 美國參議員、衛生部長被提名人選湯姆·達施勒(Tom Daschle)是Google歷次失誤中最不幸的受害人。
  • Forbes asked a panel of architects and campus designers to nominate their picks for the best-looking campuses in the world. These are their top choices. 《福布斯》雜誌徵詢了諸多建築師和校園設計師們的意見,讓他們為“世界上最漂亮的大學校園”提名。以下為他們的首選名單。
  • To win the right to nominate, an investor or group of investors must own at least 3% of a company's stock and have held the shares for a minimum of three years. 只有那些至少持有公司3%的股份、並且將這些股份至少持有了三年的投資者或投資者團體,才有權提名董事候選人。
  • FROM an electronic billboard at Piccadilly Circus, David Beckham invites you, on behalf of Samsung, to "nominate your local hero to carry the Olympic flame". 在皮卡迪利廣場的電子廣告牌上,大衛•貝克漢姆代表三星電子公司邀請您:“請推薦當地的英雄傳遞奧運聖火”。
  • In order to receive more than the minimum rate of Family Tax Benefit a, single mothers are required to nominate and seek child support from the child's father. 為了領取最低級別的A類家庭稅務補貼,單身母親必須指認孩子的父親,並向他索取孩子的撫養金。
  • If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate my mother, KATHERINE JACKSON as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children. 如果我在子女未成年時去世,那么我指定我的母親,凱瑟琳·傑克遜作為三名子女的監護人。
  • A rule that provides for a proxy access opt-out would permit public companies to continue to deny their shareowners the fundamental right to nominate and elect directors. 提供代理參與退出的規定將會允許上市公司繼續否定股民提名和選舉董事的基本權利。
  • If you asked most scientists to guess, they might nominate regions that are thought of as "cognitive" or dedicated to thinking, such as the lateral prefrontal cortex. 如果你讓大多數科學家猜猜看,他們可能會提到大家心目中的“認知性”區域或致力于思考的區域,比如外側前額葉皮質。
  • He chose Bernard Kerik to run the NYPD, made him a partner in his consultancy, and persuaded the White House to nominate him as head of the Department of Homeland Security. 他任命伯納德·克里克管理紐約警署,任命他為自己的顧問團成員,並說服白宮任命他為國土安全部部長。
  • The awards are presented at Agile 2007 in mid-August, so if you'd like to nominate someone, now's your chance to get your nomination in before choices are made in late July. Gordon Pask獎將於今年八月中旬的敏捷2007大會上頒發,如果你想提名某人的話,就需要在七月底決定獲獎名單之前 提交申請。
  • The Seller shall book and nominate a vessel under age of 25 (twenty-five) years at the Loading Port upon receipt of the L/C whose content is satisfactory to the Seller. 在信用證符合賣方要求的情況下,由賣方在裝港指定一條船齡低於二十五(25)年的船舶。
  • In a change from previous years, Entertainment Weekly recruited a group of 6,000 readers to nominate their favourites from pre-selected candidates in various categories. 與往年有所不同的是,美國《娛樂周刊》召集了6000名讀者從初步選定的各獎項候選人中推薦他們喜愛的候選人。
  • If KATHERINE JACKSON fails to survive me, or is unable or unwilling to act as guardian, I nominate DIANA ROSS as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children. 如果凱瑟琳-·傑克遜在我之前去世,或者不願承擔監護人的責任,那么黛安娜·羅斯將作為我孩子以及他們所分財產的新監護人。
  • Organizations or individuals may, at group meetings of voters or of delegates to the servicemen congress, give information about backgrounds of the candidates they nominate. 推薦代表候選人的組織或者個人可以在選民小組或者軍人代表大會代表小組會議上介紹所推薦的代表候選人的情況。
  • As stipulated, the Board of Director has the authority to set up inteal departments, but the general manager has the authority to nominate the manager of marketing department. 根據規定,決定公司內部機構設定,屬於董事會的職權;但聘任市場開發部經理則是公司(總)經理的職權。
  • This is your chance to nominate someone who is making great strides in the field of social design that you find inspiring, and then ask them the questions you've always wanted ask. 這是你的機會來提名某個在社會設計方面做出貢獻的人,這個機會讓你感到鼓舞,然後問他你一直想問他的問題。
  • He is said to want to nominate a woman: since the retirement of Sandra Day o 'connor, a notable swing vote on the court, only Ruth Bader Ginsburg remains, and she has been battling cancer. 據說他想要提名一名女性法官:自從桑德拉•戴•奧康納—最高法院中出名的中間派—退休之後,最高法院中還只剩魯斯·巴德·金斯伯格一名女性法官,而她現在正在同癌症最鬥爭。
  • Dr Christakis and Dr Fowler selected a random group of 319 undergraduates and asked each to nominate up to three friends. Using these names, they collected another group of 425 friends. 克里斯·塔斯基博士和福勒博士隨機挑選了319名大學生,要求他們列出不多於三個朋友的名字,然後又用這些名字找到了另外425個朋友。
  • Instead, the best practice is to allow each stakeholder group to nominate exactly one representative who will be authorized to submit requirements and change requests on behalf of the group. 相反,最好的辦法是讓每個涉眾組正確地任命一個代表,代表全組來負責提交需求和更改需求。
  • This week’s decision by the Eurogroup of euro-area finance ministers to nominate Vitor Constâncio as the next vice-president of the European Central Bank (ECB) certainly looks like a stitch-up. 本周歐元區的財長們決定提名維克多 康斯坦塞俄作為下一任歐洲央行(ECB)副行長,這一決定與之前的理論不謀而合。
  • I'd nominate the computer on the desk as our newest Caliban. It may show us a few fertile places if we watch it-very carefully, but it will never grow up to be Prospero. It is a dirt lump. 我想說桌頭的電腦就是我們最新的卡利班,若是仔細觀察,我們會在電腦上找尋到些許肥沃的地方,但電腦畢竟是塊土疙瘩,永遠長不成普洛斯彼羅。


