adj. 鑄造;模具的
He moulded them into a superb team. 他將他們塑造成一支非凡的隊伍。
The figure had been moulded in clay. 這座人像是用黏土塑造的。
The experience had moulded and coloured her whole life. 這次經歷影響了她的一生。
Moulded plastic is almost indestructible, but scuffs easily. 注塑幾乎弄不壞,但容易磨損。
It looked as though the plastic wrap was moulded to the fruit. 看上去好像那個塑膠包裝與這個水果的輪廓完全吻合。
It was a very safe, long childhood with Diane, and she really moulded my ideas a lot. 那是一段和黛安娜一起度過的安全而漫長的童年時光,她確實大大影響了我思想的形成。
On the track, the form embodies power. Each curve and line is moulded for speed. 在賽道上,外形體現了力量,每條曲線和線條都是為了速度而塑造的。
They created figurines which were small statues and which depicted animals or gods or any shape that the clay could be moulded into. 他們創造出了塑像,也就是一些小雕像,描繪動物、神明或任何黏土能塑成的形狀。
The presses moulded the car bodies. 壓榨機壓製出汽車模型。
The presses moulded the car bodies. 壓床壓製出汽車模型。
The car body is moulded in the factory. 汽車車身是在這家工廠里模壓成型的。
The children moulded animals out of clay. 孩子們用泥做了許多小動物。
Clay can be moulded into almost any shape. 粘土可以被塑造成幾乎任何的一種形狀。
Standard and moulded handgrips are available. 標準和模壓拉手可用。
That means it can be moulded according to what you choose. 這意味著它可以根據你的選擇而被鑄造。
Strips of wood are bonded together and moulded by machine. 木板條被黏合在一起並用機器壓模成型。
Individually moulded for perfect fit with sewn edges to avoid fraying. 分別單獨成形,與縫合邊緣完全匹配以避免磨損。
Fermented dough pieces are transferred by shooter and moulded by this machine. 發酵過程的麵團由滑槽傳送,並由本機進行成形。
However, it can be treated, dyed and moulded to produce different textures and effects. 它能夠被處理、染色並製成不同的手感和功能。
Layers of cloth are placed into a large steel tool, which provides the shape to be moulded. 織物層板放進一個大型鋼模具以塑型。
Along one of its longer sides is a moulded rock wall for climbers to practise their skills. 沿其長邊之一是模壓的岩壁,方便登山者練習他們的技能。
These cows are miniatures - small models, hand-moulded out of a single lump of Nile river clay. 這四隻牛是實物小縮影,或者說是小模型,一次性手工造模成型,材料是一小塊尼羅河粘土。
Moulded door has a problem is very important, which is harmful gases may cause indoor pollution. 模壓門有一個問題非常重要,那就是它有害氣體的釋放可能造成室內污染。
Solid layers of ice moulded the lakes and hills of Europe and North America millions of years ago. 數百萬年之前,固體冰層造就了歐洲和北美和湖泊與山川。
A wild salmon's DNA has been moulded to fit the challenges of the river it must conquer in order to spawn. 野生鮭魚的DNA進化演變使它們能夠經受河水生存環境的考驗,它們必須能夠戰勝環境以便產卵。
Moulded door: the construction process of mould door is simpler, look no real wood massiness is beautiful. 模壓門:模壓門的施工工藝比較簡單,看上去沒有實木門厚重美觀。
That is something everyone can only hope and pray all the women whose lives have been touched and moulded by IVF will have, too. 那是每個人只能希望的事情,同時也祝願那些生活被ivf影響的女性們同樣有這樣的希望。
The panels can be moulded into virtually any form, giving architects unlimited options for decorative and high-performance facades. 面板幾乎能塑造成任何形式,讓建築師無限地選擇裝飾和高性能外牆。