- 外文名:misalignment
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˌmɪsəˈlaɪnmənt]
- 美式發音:[ˌmɪsəˈlaɪnmənt]
角偏差 角偏差(angular misalignment)是1996年公布的航海科學技術名詞。公布時間 1996年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《航海科技名詞》第一版。
fundamentally misalignment 根本性失衡 雙語例句 1.They remained fundamentally opposed to the plan.他們依然從根本上反對這項計畫。2.Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.環境保護主義者稱那個條約從根本上是有缺陷...
[15]C. Wang, D. Wang(Corresponding author), Z. Xie, M. Kong, J. Zhao, L. Lei, Y. Zeng, and W. Zhang, "Calibration of probe misalignment in point-diffraction interferometer," Proc of SPIE...
Congyan Lang*, Songhe Feng, Bin Chen, Xiaotong Yuan. Supervised Sparse Patch Coding Towards Misalignment-Robust Face Recognition. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2013, 24(2): 103-110.Congyan Lang*,...
(with Thomas Voon and Li Guang Zhong) “Impacts of Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Misalignment on China’s Commodity Exports” to Australian Economic Papers Book Chapters (with Maia Zhou), 2011, “Economic Growth ...
The identification result of the gyro misalignment angle in inertial platform is unsatisfactory for the static multiposition test scheme.在慣導平台多位置靜態測漂方案下,對陀螺安裝誤差角的辨識結果往往很不理想。The production of ...
to the business that were promised. Yet IT managers and staff work hard to meet the needs of the business: Systems are put in place; network operations are reliable and stable. The cause is usually a misalignment of...
[3] Chen, T, Zhou, WQ, Mao, ZH, Lu, X, Yea, X, Huang, TC,Lang, TT, Analysis of the gyro misalignment angle in Goniometer based on fiber optic gyroscope, J. OPTIK.2016 [4] Shi, SL, Huang, TC, ...
Josephson Current in Rashba-based Superconducting Nanowires with Geometric Misalignment,IEEE xplore, (2018) DOI: 10.1109/ISEC.2017.8314198.[23] B.-B. Mao, M. Liu, W. Wu, L.-S. Li, Z.-J. Ying and H.-G. ...