


  • 中文名:應祖建
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:量子系統與凝聚態理論
  • 任職院校:蘭州大學


1999-2001年浙江大學博士後 (合作導師李有泉教授)、評為副研究員,


研究量子系統與凝聚態理論,具體方向包括納米系統與自旋電子學、光和物質相互作用、少體和多體系統的量子相變、強關聯繫統與密度泛函理論發展、冷原子、納米金屬顆粒、低維系統與可積模型、高溫超導理論與現象學、全息理論與AdS/CFT 對應、關聯動力學與代數動力學等。


[1] Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, C. Ortix, and P. Gentile,
Tuning pairing amplitude and spin-triplet texture by curving superconducting nanostructures,
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[2] Z.-J. Ying, P. Gentile, C. Ortix, and M. Cuoco,
Designing electron spin textures and spin interferometers by shape deformations,
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[3] M. Liu, S. Chesi, Z.-J. Ying, X.S. Chen, H.-G. Luo, and H.-Q. Lin,
Universal scaling and critical exponents of the anisotropic quantum Rabi model,
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[4] Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, C. Noce, and H.-Q. Zhou,
Exact Solution for a Trapped Fermi Gas with Population Imbalance and BCS Pairing,
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[5] Z.-J. Ying, V. Brosco, G. M. Lopez, D. Varsano, P. Gori-Giorgi, and J. Lorenzana,
Anomalous scaling and breakdown of conventional density functional theory
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[6] Z.-J. Ying*, V. Brosco, J. Lorenzana,
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[8] Z.-J. Ying*, M. Liu, H.-G. Luo*, H.-Q. Lin*, and J. Q. You,
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[9] Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, C. Noce, and H.-Q. Zhou,
Coexistence of spin polarization and pairing correlations in the metallic grains,
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[10] Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, C. Noce, and H.-Q. Zhou,
Field response of metallic grain with magnetic and pairing correlations,
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[11] Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, C. Noce, and H.-Q. Zhou,
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[12] M. Cuoco, P. Gentile, C. Noce, A. Romano, Z.-J. Ying, and H.-Q. Zhou,
Is the nature of itinerant ferromagnetism playing a role in the
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[13] Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, C. Noce, and H.-Q. Zhou,
Phase diagram and deformed phase separation for a trapped Fermi gas
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[14] H.-Q. Zhou, Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, C. Noce,
Universal scaling and pairing symmetry for high-temperature cuprate
[15] J. Lorenzana, Z.-J. Ying, V. Brosco,
Density-functional theory with adaptive pair density: The Gutzwiller approximation as a density functional,
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[16] V. Brosco, Z.-J. Ying, J. Lorenzana, (作者同等貢獻)
Exact exchange-correlation potential of an Ionic Hubbard model with a free surface,
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[17] M. Liu, Z.-J. Ying, J.-H. An, and H.-G. Luo,
Mean photon number dependent variational method to the Rabi model,
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[18] M. Liu, Z.-J. Ying, J.-H. An, H.-G. Luo, and H.-Q. Lin,
The asymmetric quantum Rabi model in the polaron picture,
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[19] V. Brosco, Z.-J. Ying, and J. Lorenzana,
Strong parameter renormalization from optimum lattice model orbitals,
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[20] L. Cong, X.-M. Sun, G.-Y. Li, M. Liu, Z.-J. Ying*, and H.-G. Luo*,
Frequency-renormalized Multipolaron Expansion for the Quantum Rabi Model,
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[21] Z.-J. Ying*, L. Cong*, X.-M. Sun,
Quantum phase transition and spontaneous symmetry breaking in a nonlinear
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[22] Z.-J. Ying, M. Cuoco, P. Gentile, C. Ortix,
Josephson Current in Rashba-based Superconducting Nanowires with Geometric Misalignment,
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[23] B.-B. Mao, M. Liu, W. Wu, L.-S. Li, Z.-J. Ying and H.-G. Luo,
An analytical variational method for the biased quantum Rabi model in the ultra-strong coupling regime,
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[24] L. Cong, X.-M. Sun, M. Liu, Z.-J. Ying*, and H.-G. Luo*,
Polarons induced by tunneling in the two-photon quantum Rabi model,
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