- 外文名:meticulous
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[məˈtɪkjələs]
- 美式發音:[məˈtɪkjələs]
01、Meticulous Dismemberment 02、The Putrid Stench Of Death 03、Mass Murder Hysteria 04、Phantasmagoric Paraphilia 05、 Plague of the Flesh Eaters 06、Bizarre Torture Experiment 07、Blood and Sperm 08、Post Mortal Regurgitation 09、Homicidal Cult 10、Sociopathic Mask 11、Grotesque Siamese Triplets 12、...
I Will Become More Meticulous 《I Will Become More Meticulous》是Sound Health演唱的歌曲。歌曲: I Will Become More Meticulous
細緻(xì zhì)是一個漢語詞語,指辦事精細周密或事物細密精緻。基本釋義 細緻 拼音:xì zhì 情感色彩:褒義詞 近義詞:精緻、細密 反義詞:粗疏、粗糙 出處典故 1.細密的繒、練等絲織品 《釋名·釋采帛》:“細緻,染縑為五色,細且致,不漏水也。”漢·王符《潛夫論·浮侈》:“細緻綺縠,冰紈錦繡。”...
Become More Meticulous 《Become More Meticulous》是由Holistic Healing Library演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於2013年09月17日發行的專輯《Guided Meditation and Self-Hypnosis (100 Affirmations) [Series 6]》中。歌曲: Become More Meticulous
Lord Help Me to Become More Meticulous 《Lord Help Me to Become More Meticulous》是Faith Rescue演唱的歌曲。
傳達美好生活的質感;品牌核心價值觀:美世達堅持原創設計,為 生活注入更多情感;品牌定位:原創設計師掛鐘品牌。品牌解讀:METICULOUS 嚴謹、EMOTION共情、INSIGHT洞察、SOUL 靈魂 、DELECTATION 愉悅 商標信息 美世達是佛山市南海艾時家居用品有限公司在中國商標網註冊的商標,商標註冊號為11064616,國際 分類為第14類。
周密,漢語詞語,拼音zhōu mì,意思是周密思考。基本解釋 1. [thorough;careful;meticulous]∶周到縝密 周密思考 2. [close]∶嚴密無縫 覆蓋周密。——《後漢書·張衡傳》詳細解釋 1、周到細密。《荀子·儒效》:“其知慮多當矣,而未周密也。”楊倞註:“周密,謂盡善也。” 南朝 梁 劉勰《文心雕龍·附會...
She helped the doctor to nurse her elderly mother through.過分細心Be over careful 請細心點。Please be careful.細心縫製Meticulous in tailoring 細心挑選Choose carefully 和他在一起你真的快樂嗎,維拉的媽媽問她,細心地盯著。Are you really happy with him,asked her mother,gazing at Vera searchingly.
MHT是英文MeticulousHairTransplant的縮寫,即精密級無痕植髮技術。是針對要求高密度、高自然度效果的客戶所推出的全新無痕植髮技術。服務項目包括加密手術、髮際線和鬢角塑造、眉毛和睫毛手術等項目。技術優點 植髮技術自誕生之日起,就一直處在更新換代之中,從早期的FUT到如今的FUE,每一項新技術的問世都能給發友們...
Antonioni emerging from the shadows as he walks in slow, awkward gait into an unpopulated hall where Michelangelo Buonarotti's marble statue of Moses - a scaled down version of an ambitiously conceived wall tomb for Pope Julius II - is once again in display after a period of meticulous ...
Guard securely stable product quality, carefully obey the inside of the watch of product such as a, believe in manufacturing meticulous, Bedesigning continuously creative, Be examining excelsior, Be managing a modernization, humanize...Shanghai virtuous dint west the brand all expresses thoroughly. Ea...
79.careful,attentive,cautious,precautious,meticulous 80.carry,bear,convey,transfer,transport,transmit 81.cause,reason,occasion,ground (s),centralize,focus,concentrate 83.chance,luck,fortune 84, change,alter,vary,modify 85.character,alphabet,letter 86.characteristic,individual,peculiar,distinctive 87...
and Beijing.Anthony McHugh, a Mancunian and a 100% Manchester United fan, who has been living on Lantau Island since early 90s. From a freelance photographer of 4A advertising companies to a eco-furniture maker with recycled wood, a food stylist to a cook, all are his meticulous passion.
3. Omitting Meticulous Descriptions 省略過詳的細節描述 .59 Re ections and Practice 思考與練習 .60 Unit 6 Restructuring 結構調整 .63 Practice of the Relevant Skill 相關翻譯技巧訓練 .64 I. Di erent Word Orders in English and Chinese 英漢語言的詞序差異 67 1. Different Modes of Thinking 不同的...
形容謹小慎微的樣子〖becautiousandmeticulous〗君子博學而孱守之。——《大戴禮記·曾子立事》懦弱〖cowardly〗若素名勇,徒能藉貧孱者耳。——明·高啟《書博雞者事》又如:孱夫(懦弱的人);孱王(懦弱的君王)瘦弱〖fragile〗。如:孱肌(瘦弱的肌體);孱質(瘦弱的身體)其它字義 ● 孱 cànㄘㄢˋ◎ 只用於“...
elaborate meticulous 詳密的 elaborate control 精細控制 Please Elaborate 請詳細解釋一下 詞語用法 v. (動詞)elaborate的基本意思是“注重細節”; 對於尚未實現的事物,譯為“詳細制定,精心製作”; 對於已存在的事物,則意在完全顯現其細節,即“詳盡說明,詳細闡述”。elaborate用作及物動詞時,可接名詞或代詞作賓...
BEVENTS advocates customer experience first, and meets needs of customer. Perfect experiences, Meticulous service, Adhere to customer satisfaction, Excellent service.歷程 2011年10月30日 舉辦上海市區最大規模,最具影響力千人萬聖節狂歡嘉年華。2011年12月23日 承辦2011上海保時捷同城會聖誕派對晚宴。2012年01...
publication of Six Years of Marriage, which received over 1.6 million hits. She believes that the world is a place for self-cultivation, that life has no boundaries. To her, life is best lived without intentions. Being "happy and blessed" in the traditional sense is too meticulous for ...
access to the country of origin of the New Zealand sign. So the New Zealand produced, is the guarantee of high quality. And Anenpro for its products also implement strict quality control measures, especially for raw materials in the milk antibiotic residue, etc, the overall meticulous testing,...
Lecture 32 loquacious~meticulous Lecture 33 milestone~nullify Lecture 34 obligatory~parsimony Lecture 35 pathetic~precise Lecture 36 predicament~prospect Lecture 37 proverb~reiterate Lecture 38 relegate~revulsion Lecture 39 rip-off~simultaneously Lecture 40 sinister~staggering Lecture 41 stale~...
Inheriting the European classic, from Hong Kong, in line with the Flange Bath King of traditional culture and modern fashion, the idea of combining with years of shower room is specialized in r&d and production experience, the design style is contracted and noble, exquisite meticulous, functional...
excellence是一個英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“優點優秀,卓越;美德”。單詞用法 HF 螺旋型調焦(Helical Focus):這類鏡頭鏡頭前端不轉動,方便使用定製的遮光罩和偏振鏡。EX優秀(EXcellence):屬於專業類鏡頭,特徵是鏡筒為EX塗層和有EX得標。雙語例句 Hehasbeenameticulousmanager,amanagerparexcellence.他... Meticulous, Compact and Intact Quality Denotative and Monosemantic Referential Meaning Objective, Reasoning and "Hot" Messages 4.2.2 Aesthetic Rhetorical Encoding of Linguistic Signs Expressive Aesthetic Signs Aesthetic and Emotional Functions 4....
2、工序·縝密 METICULOUS WORKING PROCEDURE 京華珍惜稀有的鑽石資源,精心琢磨,用嚴謹的態度最嚴格的標準,專業審查鑽石加工過程中的每一道工序、每一個細節,專業賦予每一粒鑽石優質的切工和價值。3、工藝·精湛 EXQUISITE CRAFTWORK 京華,對鑽石打磨工藝有著無比苛刻地要求,不斷追求工藝的精益求精,堅持將國際頂尖...
a female tailor the rapid removal of dirt and make-up, no washing of the new cleansing products - soft Cleansing Lotion (CLEANSING WATER BALANCE). The pure, transparent cleansing water, texture, fresh, comfortable, lightweight, crystal-like opacity, exudes elegant flowers. Gentle and meticulous ...
“This is a marvelous book, dizzying in its detail, dazzling in its discipline. Tannous sees through the eyes not of intellectuals and professional theologians but of the vast mass of believers, whether Christian or Muslim. Meticulous, generous, evocative, and persuasive, The Making of the ...