materials introduction (材料導論)

materials introduction (材料導論)



  • 中文名:materials introduction (材料導論)
  • 作者:王者輝
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • ISBN:9787122294197


《Materials Introduction(材料導論)》共分為兩部分:*部分分別介紹了金屬材料、陶瓷材料、水泥混凝土材料、高分子材料、複合材料、半導體材料、能源材料的基本結構特徵、性能、用途、合成製造和加工方法;第二部分為各種材料的實驗操作內容。本書不僅詳述材料科學基礎理論,同時兼顧材料工程生產實踐,注重理論與生產生活實踐相結合,提高讀者的知識面及閱讀興趣。《Materials Introduction(材料導論)》可供從事材料科學與工程方面的科研人員、生產技術人員等參考閱讀。


Part 1 MaterialsIntroduction
Chapter 1 Metals 2
1.1 What are Metals? 2
1.2 Historical Timeline of Metals 3
1.3 Future Trends 4
1.4 Scientific Principles 4
1.4.1 Structure of Metals 4
1.4.2 Mechanical Properties 7
1.4.3 Processing 8
1.4.4 Alloys 9
1.4.5 Corrosion 10
1.4.6 Metal Ores 11
1.4.7 Summary 12
Review Questions 13
Answers to Review Questions 13
References 14
Glossary 14
Chapter 2 Ceramics 17
2.1 What Are Ceramics? 17
2.2 Historical Timeline of Ceramics 19
2.3 Future Trends 20
2.4 Scientific Principles 21
2.4.1 Introduction 21
2.4.2 Atomic Bonding 21
2.4.3 Classification 21
2.4.4 Thermal Properties 22
2.4.5 Optical Properties 24
2.4.6 Mechanical Properties 26
2.4.7 Electrical Properties 28
2.4.8 Ceramic Processing 30
2.4.9 Summary 33
Review Questions 33
Answers to Review Questions 34
References 34
Glossary 35
Chapter 3 Concrete 38
3.1 What is Concrete? 38
3.2 The Historical Timeline of Concrete39
3.3 Future Trends 40
3.4 Scientific Principles 41
3.4.1 What is in This Stuff? 41
3.4.2 Concrete Production 43
3.4.3 Properties of Concrete 47
3.4.4 Concrete Degradation 51
3.4.5 Summary 51
Review Questions 52
Answers to Review Questions 53
References 54
Glossary 54
Chapter 4 Polymers 56
4.1 What are Polymers? 56
4.2 Historical Timeline of Polymers 57
4.3 Future Trends 58
4.4 Scientific Principles 58
4.4.1 Polymerization Reactions 59
4.4.2 Polymer Chemical Structure 60
4.4.3 Polymer Physical Structure 61
4.4.4 Members of the Polymer Family 62
4.4.5 Polymer Processing 62
4.4.6 Recycling 64
4.4.7 Summary 68
Review Questions 68
Answers to Review Questions 69
References 70
Glossary 70
Abbreviations 71
Chapter 5 Composite Materials 72
5.1 What are Composite Materials? 72
5.2 Historical Timeline of CompositeMaterials 73
5.3 Future Trends 74
5.4 Scientific Principles 75
5.4.1 Get to Know of Composite Materials75
5.4.2 Products of Composite Materials 76
5.4.3 Constituents of CompositeMaterials 77
5.4.4 Fabrication Methods 78
5.4.5 Finishing Methods 81
5.4.6 Tooling 81
5.4.7 Physical Properties 81
5.4.8 Summary 82
Review Questions 83
Answers to Review Questions 83
References 84
Glossary 84
Abbreviations 86
Chapter 6 Semiconductors 88
6.1 What are Semiconductors? 88
6.2 Historical Timeline ofSemiconductors 89
6.3 Future Trends 90
6.4 Scientific Principles 91
6.4.1 Conductors, Insulators, andSemiconductors 91
6.4.2 Research and Application 95
6.4.3 Properties and Processing ofElectronic Materials 96
6.4.4 Summary 99
Review Questions 100
Answers to Review Questions 101
References 102
Glossary 103
Chapter 7 Energy 106
7.1 What is Energy? 107
7.2 Historical Timeline of Energy 107
7.3 Future Trends 108
7.4 Scientific Principles 109
7.4.1 Basic Energy Principles 109
7.4.2 Fossil Fuels 113
7.4.3 Renewable Energy Sources 120
7.4.4 Nuclear Energy 125
7.4.5 Summary 133
Review Questions 133
Answers to Review Questions 135
References 135
Glossary 136
Part 2 Laboratory Activities andDemonstrations
Chapter 8 Laboratory Activities andDemonstrations of Metals 142
8.1 Laboratory Activities 142
Experiment 1 Crystal Packing 142
Experiment 2 A Particle Model of Metals:Atomic Bb’s 143
Experiment 3 Processing Metals: MakingMetals Strong 145
Experiment 4 Tensile Strength Test:Stretching Wires 147
Experiment 5 Forming Brass from Zinc andCopper: “Gold” Penny Lab 149
Experiment 6 Activity Series: Which oneReacts? 151
Experiment 7 Corrosion of Iron: Rust!153
Experiment 8 Oxidation of a Metal:Chemical Hand Warmer 156
8.2 Demonstrations 157
Demonstration 1 Phase Transition of HighCarbon Steel 157
Demonstration 2 Removal of Zinc fromPennies: Floating Pennies 159
Demonstration 3 Corrosion of Iron: TestTube Geology 160
Chapter 9 Laboratory Activities ofCeramics 163
Experiment 1 Clay Labs: Ready-Beam-Fire163
Experiment 2 Flocculation in Ceramics167
Experiment 3 Glass Labs: Wow You Can SeeRight Through Me! 168
Experiment 4 Electrical Resistance in aGlass Bulb 173
Experiment 5 Fiber Optics Labs: Light atthe End of the Tunnel 173
Chapter 10 Laboratory Activities andDemonstrations of Concrete 176
10.1 Laboratory Activities 176
Experiment 1 Physical Properties: What’s the Matter? 176
Experiment 2 Concrete Density andAggregates: How Dense Is It? 178
Experiment 3 Cement Hydration and pHEvolution: Hot and Cold 180
Experiment 4 A Design Project: The FleetAfloat! 183
Experiment 5 Stress and Strain 186
Experiment 6 Make and Take 192
10.2 Demonstrations 193
Demonstration 1 Making a Silt Test 193
Demonstration 2 Conducting an OrganicMatter Test 193
Demonstration 3 Effect of Aggregate onWorkability of Concrete 194
Demonstration 4 It’s Heating Up! 195
Demonstration 5 pH of Cement 196
Chapter 11 Laboratory Activities andDemonstrations of Ploymers 199
11.1 Laboratory Activities 199
Experiment 1 Crunch and Munch Lab 199
Experiment 2 Slime Away 202
Experiment 3 A Silly Polymer 205
Experiment 4 Don’t Throw it in the Garbage 208
Experiment 5 Plastics the Second TimeAround 211
11.2 Demonstrations 215
Demonstration 1 Let’s Make an Addition Polymer 215
Demonstration 2 Introduction to the NewChain Gang 217
Demonstration 3 The Formation of theWonder Polymer 218
Chapter 12 Laboratory Activities andDemonstrations of Composite Materials 220
12.1 Laboratory Activities 220
Experiment 1 Composite ColumnDesign/Test Lab 220
Experiment 2 Composite MaterialsStructure 223
12.2 Demonstrations 229
Demonstration 1 Snow Ski 229
Demonstration 2 Carbon Fiber ReinforcedPolymer (CFRP) in a Race Car 230
Chapter 13 Laboratory Activities ofSemiconductors 232
Experiment 1 Electronic Familiarity 232
Experiment 2 Hot and Cold 234
Experiment 3 Let There Be Light 238
Experiment 4 What is Ohmic? 242
Experiment 5 Alternating to Direct 246
Experiment 6 Working with LED’s 249
Chapter 14 Laboratory Activities andDemonstrations of Energy 253
14.1 Laboratory Activities 253
Experiment 1 Great Chemistry! 253
Experiment 2 Heating It Up! 257
Experiment 3 Half-Life: The Energizer Bunny Effect 260
Experiment 4 Nature’s Kitchen ——Solar Box Cooker 262
14.2 Demonstrations 265
Demonstration 1 Potential to KineticEnergy 265
Demonstration 2 Dipping into Solar Ponds267
Demonstration 3 Nuclear Mice 269
Appendix: Unit Conversion Tables


王者輝,泰山醫學院,副教授, 自2004年以來,長期從事高分子材料專業的本、專科的教學,教授的課程主要有材料導論、專業英語、聚合物改性、塗料化學、光化學與光物理、波譜分析、聚合物加工流變學、高分子材料概論等。科研方向為醫用高分子材料、高分子界面。


