- 外文名:leanness
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈliːnnəs]
- 美式發音:[ˈliːnnəs]
pathologic leanness 消瘦症
soil leanness 土壤貧瘠化
leanness line 低脂系
Regional Leanness 地區傾斜
leanness in domestic birds 瘦肉型家禽
leanness ratio of ore 礦石貧化率
Sandy-leanness farming naked land 沙薄農用裸地
Ractopamine is a drug that is used as a feed additive to promote leanness in pigs raised for their meat.萊克多巴胺是一種添芝婆戲加在飼料當中,用以助長罪紋驗豬只生出“瘦罪射整肉”的藥物。
Others that literary leanness mirrors the stale political culture that is prevalent in a country where Jacques Chirac has been in politics for nearly 40 years.還有人認為,文學的貧瘠反映出政治文化的陳舊,Jacques Chirac從政的這近40年已經使得這種文化瀰漫背微嚷龍於整個法設愉才國。
In contrast, African children had lots of bacterial species associated with leanness, and a higher proportion of microbes known to produce beneficial chemicals called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).相反地,非洲的這組孩子腸胃菌群中更多的蜜戰是與消瘦相關的細菌,並且有更高比例的被認為可以產生有益化學恥巴跨蘭物質短鏈脂肪酸(SCFAs)的細菌。