



  • 外文名:latter
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞




latter modernism 後現代主義
Latter Lammas 永遠不會
latter bracket 後托架
latter math 再生草 ; 後割草
latter losses 後損
latter a 兩者中 ; 後者的
latter r 較後的 ; 後者的 ; 後者 ; 後半的
Dead latter 硬核朋克
latter greece 晚期希臘


  • 1The latter point is the most important.後面提及的那一點是最重要的。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The latter was sick.他追蹤找到了他的堂兄和叔叔。後者病了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The exercises can be fun and a good warm-up for the latter part of the programme.這些練習很有趣,還可以為後面的課程做熱身準備。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages.這些窗戶可能是中世紀後期精製而成。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5They grappled with the problem of connecting the electricity and water supplies. The former proved simple compared with the latter.他們設法解決供電和供水的連線問題。前者與後者相比證明很簡單。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The latter is especially important.後者尤為重要。
  • 7"Have no fear," said the latter to his master.“別怕。”後者對他的主人說。
  • 8To be frank, I prefer the former to the latter.坦白來講,比起後者,我更喜歡前者。
  • 9Measured by saved lives, the latter is almost certainly the better course.以被挽救的生命來衡量,後者幾乎必定是更好的選擇。
  • 10I prefer the latter, because I feel that it's much more convenient and cheaper.我更喜歡後者,因為我覺得它更方便,更便宜。
  • 11The latter was an important factor in attracting settlers to the United States during the 19th century.後者是19世紀吸引移民到美國的一個重要因素。
  • 12This suggests that they were deciding between truth and dishonesty, and ultimately opting for the latter.這表明,他們在真相和謊言之間做出了選擇,最終選擇了後者。
  • 13If the latter, there's no need to go to extremes and buy the biggest horse pills or the most expensive bottles.如果是後者,就沒有必要走極端,買最大劑量的大藥片或最昂貴的瓶瓶罐罐。
  • 14If the former are greater, the lake is a surface-water-dominated lake; if the latter, it is a seepage-dominated lake.如果前者較大,這個湖就是一個以表層水為主的湖泊;如果是後者,則是一個以滲漏為主的湖泊。
  • 15Steamed dumpling contains low calorie, equivalent to only 70% of the latter, and lower fat and carbohydrate than rice.饅頭熱量低,只相當於後者的70%,而且脂肪和碳水化合物比米飯更低。
  • 16The latter, an art and literary critic, who eventually recognised that camera images could be inspired as well as informative.後者是一位藝術和文學評論家,他最終認識到,攝影圖像不僅能提供信息,還能激發靈感。
  • 17The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live.前者提供了更多的刺激和便利,而後者提供了一個更乾淨、更安靜、通常也更友好的居住環境。
  • 18What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand.好的政治可能是不道德的,事實上,由於一種奇怪的宿命,當道德和政治發生衝突時,後者通常占上風。
  • 19The Springer Group has filed a lawsuit in the Daily News, accusing the latter of initiating a road name change that was too labor-intensive and costly.施普林格集團已經一紙訴狀將《每日新聞》告上法庭,控告後者發起的修改路名之舉過於勞民傷財。
  • 20Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do.醫院教學的原因從防止孩子落後和保持學校的習慣到讓孩子被占著,而後者往往是老師所能做的事情。
  • 21The latter often still think mainly in terms of the "social responsibility approach" and thus seem to prefer deals that are riskier and less attractive than normal investment criteria would warrant.後者往往還是以“社會責任方式”為主要思路,因此似乎更傾向於風險較大、吸引力較一般投資標準低的交易。
  • 22I would unhesitatingly choose the latter option.我會毫不猶豫地選第二個選項。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 23He is getting into the latter years of his career.他正進入職業生涯的晚期。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 24He holds the belief that he is a latter-day prophet.他深信自己是當代先知。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 25He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better.他提出了兩個解決方案,後一個看起來要好得多。《牛津詞典》
  • 26The village had a reputation as a latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah.這個村子曾經被稱為現代版的邪惡之城所多瑪和蛾摩拉城。《牛津詞典》
  • 27The town has a concert hall and two theatres. The latter were both built in the 1950s.這座城市有一個音樂廳和兩個劇院。這兩個劇院都是在20世紀50年代建成的。《牛津詞典》
  • 28There are the people who speak after they think and the people who think while they're speaking. Mike definitely belongs in the latter category.有些人先想後說,有些人邊想邊說。邁克當然屬於後一類人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 29I lean toward the latter view.我傾向於後一種觀點。


