tie the knot [法]結婚
chinese knot 中國結
gordian knot 難題;戈爾迪之結(希臘神話中的一個難題)
love knot n. 情結;園心結;相思
root knot 根瘤病;根癌
She tied a pretty knot at the end of her pigtails. 她在辮子的末梢打了一個花結。
At the end of a hectic day do you have a twinge in your back, knot in yourstomach, or pounding in your head? 在繁忙的一天結束之時,你會有背部刺痛的感覺,胃像打結一樣,或者頭會嗡嗡做響嗎?
Adie pulls her hair back and twists it into a knot. “I like this one,” she saystouching the purse with yellow and orange flowers. 愛狄將頭髮往後一攏,擰幾下,打了個結。“我喜歡這個,”她拿起一個錢包說到,上面有些黃色和橙色的花。