



  • 外文名:jumbled
  • 詞性:形容詞、及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈdʒʌmbld]
  • 美式發音:[ˈdʒʌmbld]


英 [ˈdʒʌmbld] 美 [ˈdʒʌmbld]
adj. 亂七八糟的
vt. 搞亂(jumble過去分詞


jumbled /ˈdʒʌmbəld/
1.ADJ If you describe things or ideas as jumbled, you mean that they are mixed up and not in order. 混亂的


jumble sale 舊貨店拍賣;慈善義賣
numerous and jumbled 龐雜 ; 複雜
Jumbled sentences 句子重組 ; 打亂的句子
jumbled terrain 雜亂地域
jumbled arrowhead molds 粉白的箭頭模具 ; 先鋒雜亂模具 ; 亂蓬蓬的箭頭模具
jumbled type 混雜活字
dragons and fishes jumbled together 魚龍混雜
lengthy and jumbled 冗雜
jumbled speech 言語訥吃


  • They had jumbled it all up into a heap. 他們已把這些都混在一起堆成一大堆。
  • These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise. 對這些優先事項如此混亂的狀況並沒有什麼可驚訝的。
  • Books, shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor. 書、鞋子和衣服胡亂堆放在地板上。
  • Seen at ground level, the designs are a jumbled senseless mess. 站在地面上看,這些圖案雜亂無章。
  • The herbivore's bones were jumbled with remains from other smaller animals, including teeth from carnivores that may have feasted on its flesh. 這隻食草動物的骨頭和其他較小動物的遺骸混雜在一起,包括可能曾經飽餐過它屍體的食肉動物的牙齒。
  • The naughty girl jumbled her clothes up. 這個淘氣的女孩在搞亂她的衣服。
  • Universe Too Jumbled for Time to Reverse? 宇宙過於雜亂無章,時間無法逆轉?
  • The things in the fridge are all jumbled up. 冰櫃里的東西很雜亂。
  • These words are jumbled up and don't make sense. 這些詞藻堆砌在一起沒有意義。
  • He jumbled up everything in the drawer to find his key. 他為了找到他的鑰匙把整個抽屜都翻亂了。
  • On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires 辦公桌對面的書柜上還有一團雜亂纏繞的連線線。
  • The reason was you and 'the life' jumbled together 'the work'. 原因就是你把“工作”與“生活”混為一談了。
  • The untidy boy's toys, Boots and books were all jumbled together (up) in a cupboard. 那個不愛整潔的孩子的玩具、靴子及書籍都亂堆在一個櫃櫥里。
  • Then they jumbled up syllables within each song and replayed these versions to the birds. 接著他們打亂每段歌唱的音節,重新為受試驗的小鳥播放這些新版本。
  • They may appear jumbled, but people who worked together and died together are grouped together. 這些名字看上去雜亂無章,但是這些在一起工作並且一起死亡的人的名字被歸類在了一起。
  • In another example, altitude details were jumbled until the pilot asked passengers to turn off their gizmos. 在另一次事故中,海拔儀上突然混亂運轉起來,直到飛行員要求乘客關掉他們的小電器才恢復正常。
  • They seemed to go on forever, a jumbled mess of happy memories, each one partially obscured by blinding white light. 它們看起來要永遠的延續下去,一團快樂記憶的亂麻,每張都有一部分因為眩目的白光而模糊不清。
  • If the subject perceives the sounds as jumbled noise, this is an indication that the damage is located in the brain. 如果測試對象聽到的是混亂的噪音,這表明聽力損害的原因位於大腦。
  • The kettles boiled, the CARDS were jumbled, a fresh breeze blew in at the Windows, and the beefsteaks tasted like beefsteaks. 水壺裡的水燒開了,撲克牌變得混亂,一股清新的風從窗子吹進來,牛排吃起來也像牛排了。
  • Through the act of running, one can focus on their thoughts and body and analyze that which was being jumbled by outside forces. 通過跑步,一個人可以將注意力集中到身心上,並且分析外力到底攪亂了我們什麼。
  • Are your tasks in priority order? Or are they all jumbled up with some of your most important tasks buried behind low impact ones? 待完成的事是否是按照輕重緩急順序排列的?或者那些重要的事都被排在了影響不是很大的事項之後的?
  • All the threads get jumbled up, and timing issues mean that the output statements are not going to come out in relative thread order. 所有執行緒的輸出亂七八糟地混合在一起,而定時問題意味著輸出語句不是以相對的執行緒順序出現的。
  • If the system is a jumbled mess, then the system might get into an undesired state through any number of paths and so it is hard to debug. 如果系統是亂七八糟的,那么系統可能通過許多路徑進入不希望的狀態,並且因此很難調試。
  • The herbivore's bones were jumbled with remains from other, smaller animals — including teeth from carnivores that may have feasted on its flesh. 這隻食草恐龍的骨頭和其他小動物的遺骸混雜在一起,其中包括可能曾經飽餐過恐龍屍體的食肉動物的牙齒。
  • On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires for recharging mobile phones, cameras, netbooks, MP3 players and other portable gizmos. 辦公桌對面的書柜上還有一團雜亂纏繞的連線線,那是用來給手機、攝像機、筆記本電腦和MP3播放器之類便攜設備充電的。
  • About 140 tour boats already crowd the three-square-mile lake, and new hotel and cable car construction mars the natural scenery with a jumbled skyline. 在三平方哩的湖裡,擠滿了大約140艘觀光船,新的旅館和遊覽電車有些亂七八糟,與自然風景不太協調。
  • To show a sense of syntax in the animals, Abe's team played jumbled "ungrammatical" remixes of finch songs to the birds and measured the response calls. 為了展示這類動物能感知句法,阿部的研究團隊給它們播放打亂次序的、“不合語法規則的”雀科小鳥混合叫聲並觀察它們的反應。


