



  • 外文名:jumble
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 釋義:混雜;攙雜
  • 類別:英語單詞




jumble sale 雜物拍賣 ; 慈善義賣 ; 慈善義賣和
The Jumble 混亂的蜘蛛網 ; 混亂不堪
Jumble Madness 混亂瘋狂
jumble sailors 紛亂的水手 ; 混雜水手
jumble shop 廉價雜貨店
Word Jumble 字混亂
Jumble Rumble 混亂的隆隆聲
Mumble Jumble 亂民全講 ; 表演工作坊


  • 1The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.這篇散文思想混亂,使人不知所云。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It is up to Mr LaHood and the FRA to make sense of this jumble.拉胡德先生和聯邦鐵路局有責任搞清楚這一混亂局面。
  • 3The shoreline was made up of a jumble of huge boulders.這海岸線由一堆雜亂的巨石構成。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4A jumble sale will be held in the village hall on Saturday.星期六將在村禮堂舉行義賣。《牛津詞典》
  • 5She assigns ants to help her sort through a huge jumble of seeds.她讓螞蟻們幫助她去整理混雜在一起的一大堆種子。
  • 6He resolves to put some kind of order into this jumble of beliefs so that justification of one proposition may follow from another.他希望可以理順這些混雜的信念,以便可以做到證實一個,便能隨之推導出另外一個。
  • 7As they approached the shore, a lanky, suntanned, salt-encrusted 26-year-old stepped out with a splash and clambered up onto a jumble of broken basalt.當他們到達海岸,一個瘦長的、黝黑的、身上沾著些許海鹽的26歲青年濺踏著水面,並爬上一堆破碎的玄武岩。
  • 8The food groups are replaced with unlabelled, multi-colored vertical stripes which, in some versions, rise out of a cartoon jumble of foods that look like the aftermath of a riot at a grocery store.這些食品組被沒有標籤的、五顏六色的條碼所取代,在某些版本中,這些條碼是從一堆卡通食品中冒出來的,看起來像是雜貨店裡發生的騷亂。
  • 9The things on the table were all in a jumble.桌子上的東西很雜亂。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10Hell, everything seemed to jumble together anymore.該死,好像什麼事都攪到一塊兒來了。
  • 11The monument's history is a jumble of legend and fact.紀念碑的歷史融合了傳說和事實。
  • 12Both are a pattern that emerges from a jumble of interconnected parts.兩者都是從一大堆互相連線的部件中浮現出來的模式。
  • 13He had set out on his great walk for a jumble of reasons, but mostly to have fun.他總有一大堆原因開始偉大的冒險旅程,但多半是為了玩。
  • 14Maggie wondered what he was thinking, were his thoughts as much of a jumble as hers?瑪吉想知道他正在想些什麼,是否他的思緒也跟她的一樣是一團糟?
  • 15This verbal jumble was the key to the recollection which excited anddisturbed Professor Angell.吭吭巴巴吐出的這些個,是引發Angell教授糾結興奮回憶的關鍵。
  • 16One of the trains had part of its roof sheared off, and the wreckage was a jumble of twisted metal.一列車的車頂被部分撕裂,留下一大堆扭曲的金屬殘骸。
  • 17The words tumbled out in an incoherent jumble interrupted by heaving shoulders and gales of cackling laughter.諾曼的言論是在語無倫次中蹦顛而出,不時被雙肩起伏和陣陣笑聲打斷。
  • 18The Jumble is that word puzzle found in most newspapers where you have a few words that have been all mixed up.Jumble 是在大多數報紙中可以找到的字謎,您有一些已經完全混合在一起的單詞。
  • 19The trees twisting in the wind and a child swaddledin a jumble of coloured blankets, lying in a wooden hand cart.樹木在風中輕輕搖晃,一個孩子被包裹在彩色毯子做成的襁褓里,躺在一架木質手推車上。
  • 20The surface is a jumble of craters, plains and immense, cliff-like scarps that can be hundreds of kilometres long.水星表面上雜亂地分布著坑洞、平原和巨大的懸崖般的陡坡,陡坡可長達數百公里。
  • 21Half of the circles that look clickable aren't; the other half jumble into a new rotation if you drag and drop them.有一半的圈圈看上去是可以點的,實際上卻不能。如果拖拽一個圈圈,它會跳到其他圓圈中去。
  • 22Pieces of glacier that break off become mixed with thin sea ice in a jumble of ice fragments on the fjord's surface.脫落的冰川碎塊與峽灣表面混亂的碎海冰融合在一起。
  • 23Starting with the crossword helper created in Part 1, let's put together a quick script to help you with your Jumble.從在第1部分中創建的縱橫字謎助手開始,讓我們整合一個快速腳本以幫助您構建Jumble。
  • 24Out went her mobile phone and clothes shopping, replaced by trips to jumble sales and foraging for berries in hedgerows.遠離了手機和逛街買衣服,她去逛各種雜物的拍賣場,並去樹叢里摘野果子。
  • 25Olson and his team use one to dissect a segment of code, looking for patterns and logic in what appears to be a jumble of symbols.Olson和他的團隊使用白板仔細研究密碼的每一個細節,研究看似雜亂中的模式和邏輯。
  • 26The Global Assembly Line is a misnomer for a dystopian, complex jumble of production that uses any number of countries and its citizens.任何一種反烏托邦的、複雜而混亂的生產過程,無論涉及多少國家,僱傭多少公民,都不應當被稱作全球流水線(Global Assembly Line)。


