



  • 外文名:jams
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[dʒæmz]
  • 美式發音:[dʒæmz]


jam /dʒæm/ CET4 TEM4 ( jamming, jammed, jams )
1.V-T If you jam something somewhere, you push or put it there roughly. 胡亂地塞
2.V-T/V-I If something such as a part of a machine jams, or if something jams it, the part becomes fixed in position and is unable to move freely or work properly. 卡住
3.V-T If vehicles jam a road, there are so many of them that they cannot move. (車輛) 堵塞
4.N-COUNTJam is also a noun. 堵塞
5. jammed ADJ 堵塞了的
6.V-T/V-I If a lot of people jam a place, or jam into a place, they are pressed tightly together so that they can hardly move. 擠滿
7. jammed ADJ 擠滿的
8.V-T To jam a radio or electronic signal means to interfere with it and prevent it from being received or heard clearly. 干擾 (無線電、電子信號等)
9. jamming N-UNCOUNT 干擾
10.V-T If callers are jamming telephone lines, there are so many callers that the people answering the telephones find it difficult to deal with them all. 堵塞 (電話線路)
11.N-MASSJam is a sweet food consisting of pieces of fruit cooked with a large amount of sugar until it is thickened. It is usually spread on bread. 果醬 [英國英語]


Traffic Jams 交通擁堵 ; 交通堵塞 ; 塞車
finger jams 手指擠壓法 ; 手楔法
originals jams 原稿夾紙
Jams Carey 詹姆斯·凱利
hand jams 手楔法
Righteous Jams 表演者
jams frequent 夾紙
Jams Wilshurst 經威爾修特
ice jams 冰阻


