《introduction to chaos》是一本西安電子科技大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是王震,惠小健,本書是在作者多年來對混沌系統理論的研究基礎上編寫而成.在簡單介紹微分方程解析計算理論後,重點對平面微分方程的定性分析方法。
- 中文名:introduction to chaos
- 作者:王震、惠小健
- 出版社:西安電子科技大學出版社
- ISBN:9787560634555
《introduction to chaos》是一本西安電子科技大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是王震,惠小健,本書是在作者多年來對混沌系統理論的研究基礎上編寫而成.在簡單介紹微分方程解析計算理論後,重點對平面微分方程的定性分析方法。
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《Nonlinearity, Chaos, and Complexity》是2005年Oxford Univ Pr出版的圖書。媒體推薦 ...the book will certainly bring a lot of pleasure to the reader with philosophical inclinations (EMS Newsletter)目錄 Contents Preface Part I: Linear and nonlinear processes 1.1: Introduction 1.2: Modelling 1.3: ...
An Introduction to Chaos: Four Examples 2.1 Van der Pol's Equation 2.2 Duffing's Equaiion 2.3 The Lorenz Equations 2.4 The Dynamics of a Bouncing Ball 2.5 Conclusions: The Moral of the Tales CHAPTER 3 Local Bifurcations 3.1 BiFurcation Problems 3.2 Center Manifolds 3.3 Normal ...
HirschとSmaleの著した Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems & Linear Algebra (邦訳『力學系入門』(岩波書店刊))は1974年に発刊され,力學系の入門書として現在でも非常に評価の高い本である.その改訂版にあたる Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems & An Introduction to Chaos では,著者として新...
An Introduction to Chaos: Four Examples 2.1. Van der Pol's Equation 2.2. Duffing's Equation 2.3. The Lorenz Equations 2.4. The Dynamics ofa Bouncing Ball 2.5. Conclusions: The Moral ofthe Tales CHAPTER 3 Local Bifurcations 3.1. Bifurcation Problems 3.2. Center Manifolds 3.3. Normal...
Introduction:Engineering the Elements PART I THE CHANGING TRADITl0N Chapter 1 How It All Fits Together The architecture of molecules Chapter 2 Bringing Down the Barriers Getting chemical reactions to go Chapter 3 Caught in the Act Watching atoms dance Chapter 4 Impossible Order When atoms meet ...
15.1 Introduction to Discrete Dynamical Systems 15.2 Bifurcations 15.3 The Discrete Logistic Model 15.4 Chaos 15.5 Symbolic Dynamics 15.6 The Shift Map 15.7 The Cantor Middle-Thirds Set 15.8 Exploration:Cubic Chaos 15.9 Exploration:The Orbit Diagram CHAPTER 16 Homoclinic Phenomena 16.1 ...
1. Sirovich: Introduction to Applied Mathematics.2. Wiggins: Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, 2nd ed.3. Hale/Koeak: Dynamics and Bifurcations.4. Chorin/Marsden: A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd ed.5. Hubbard/West: Differential Equations: A Dynamical...
2.8 Hamiltonian Flows 2.9 Poisson Brackets 2.10 A Particle in a Rotating Hoop 2.11 The Poincare-Melnikov Method and Chaos3 An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Systems 3.1 Lagrange'sandHamilton'sEquationsforFieldTheory 3.2 Examples:Hamilton's Equations 3.3 Examples:Poisson Brackets and Con...
1905年,出版了《中國繪畫史導論》(An Introduction to the History of Chinese Pictorial Art)。這本著作譯介了自遠古時期直至明末(1644年)的中國藝術評論家、畫家的著作和作品,如閻立本、張孝師、吳道員、趙大年、王世貞、王羲之等等。翟理斯稱“就任何一種歐洲語言而言,這都是第一本中國繪畫史”。翟理斯說,...
N-COUNT You can describe an event as a prelude to another event or activity when it happens before it and acts as an introduction to it. 前奏 短語搭配 Rock Prelude 搖滾前奏曲 ; 搖滾前奏 Prelude In 大調前奏曲 Bowmaster Prelude 神箭手的序曲 ; 巨弓守城 雙語例句 The curtain rises toward the...
《組織理論與設計:第六版:英文》是1998年東北財經大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是達夫特(美)。作品目錄 Preface xi part one Introduction to Organizations chapter one Organizations and Organization Theory A Look Inside International Business Machines Corporation Organization Theory in Action Topics 6 Current ...
introduction to general topics associated with nonlinear graduate physics, and would be accessible to final-year undergraduates and beginning graduate students. The remainder of the book, for example the treatment of cylindrical solitons, is more advanced and will have a wide appeal to specialists in...
, An Introduction to Computational Intelligence Techniques for RobotControl, Industrial Robot, 34(4): 295-302, 2007. (SCI, IF=0.4)64. J. Li, Z. Shi, XiaoliLi , Genetic Programming with Wavelet-Based Indicators for FinancialForecasting, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement andControl, ...
Chapter 2A Brief Introduction to Graph Theory 2.1 What is a Graph?2.2 Notation, Definitions and Preliminaries 2.3 Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs 2.3.1 Eulerian Graphs 2.3.2 Hamiltonian Graphs 2.4The Chinese Postman Problem 2.5 The Shortest Path Length Problem 2.6 Trees 2.7 The Minimum...
6.1 introduction to simulation 6.2 continuous-time models 6.3 the euler method 6.4 chaos and fractals 6.5 exercises iii probability‘ models.7 introduction to probabiuty models 7.1 discrete probability models 7.2 continuous probability models 7.3 introduction to statistics 7.4 diffusion 7.5 ...
15.1 Introduction 15.2 Bifurcations 15.3 The Discrete Logistic Model 15.4 Chaos 15.5 Symbolic Dynamics 15.6 The Shift Map 15.7 The Cantor Middle-Thirds Set 15.8 Exploration:Cubic Chaos 15.9 Exploration: The Orbit Diagram CHAPTER 16 Homoclinic Phenomena 16.1 The Shilnikov System 1...
15.1 Introduction 15.2 Bifurcations 15.3 The Discrete Logistic Model 15.4 Chaos 15.5 Symbolic Dynamics 15.6 The Shift Map 15.7 The Cantor Middle-Thirds Set 15.8 Exploration:Cubic Chaos 15.9 Exploration: The Orbit Diagram CHAPTER 16 Homoclinic Phenomena 16.1 The Shilnikov System 1...
9.1 introduction to the method:properties of a dilute gas 9.2 the melting transition 9.3 equipartition and the fermi-pasta-ulam problem 10 quantum mechanics 10.1 time-independent schrsdinger equation:some preliminaries 10.2 one dimension:shooting and matching methods 10.3 a matrix approach 10....
5 System Identification Using Chaos Henry Leung and Ajeesb Kurian 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Problem Formulation 5.3 Blind Equalization Techniques 5.4 Performance Evaluation 5.5 Application to Noncoherent Ranging 5.6 Conclusions References 6 Characterization and Optimization of a Chaotic LADAR System for ...
在時間上,把歷史資料和歷史學研究納入到的民族志的上下文中加以開發,使中國人類學重新歷史化”(Ji Zhe & Liang Yongjia, “Introduction: Toward a new Chinese anthropology”, in The New Chinese Anthropology, cArgo: Revue Internationale de’Anthropologie Culturelle $ Sociale, p.7-15, 2018 )。“在其...
Part II Chaos and Randomness 5 Introduction to Dynamical Systems Stephen G. Eubank and J. Doyne Farmer 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Detenninism Versus Random Processes 5.3 ScopeofPartII 5.4 Deterministic Dynamical Systems and State Space 5.5 Classification 5.5.1 PropertiesofDynamical Systems 5.5.2 ...
Passage 3 Brief Introduction to Kant Unit 11 Law Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension ( Skimming and Scanning)An Introduction to Law Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Passage 1 Origins of Common Law Passage 2 The American Jury System: Standing in the Way of Justice?Passage 3 Nuremberg ...
4.statistical behavior of orbits and introduction to ergodic theory 1. asymptotic distribution and statistical behavior of orbits asymptotic distribution, invariant measures; existence of invariant measures;the birkhoff ergodic theorem; existence of symptotic distribution; ergod-icity and unique ergodicity; ...
Introduction to the Series Preface Notation Part 1. Fundamentals Chapter 1. Random Variables §1.1. Elementary Examples §1.2. Probability Space §1.3. Conditional Probability §1.4. Discrete Distributions §1.5. Continuous Distributions §1.6. Independence §1.7. Conditional Expectation §1.8....