- 外文名:indented
- 釋義:犬牙交錯的;受契約約束的;縮進排印的;縮進;切割成鋸齒狀
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式讀音:[ɪnˈdentɪd]
蜂腰式機身(indented fuselage)即指安裝機翼部位的機身截面適當縮小,整體外形類似蜂腰形。蜂腰式機身採用跨音速面積律設計,可以達到降低飛行器跨音速飛行時的零升波阻力的目的。機身外形 機身的外形和發動機的類型、數目及安裝位置有關。
海蝕港灣岸 學科:海洋地質學 詞目:海蝕港灣岸 英文:indented coast of erosion 釋文:海蝕港灣岸是指山地港灣海岸在發展過程中,由於海水深度大,海岸坡陡,在海浪作用下,岬角和灣頂廣泛受海蝕作用的海岸。
deed indented 缺邊契約;鋸齒邊契約;詳細翻譯 oral deed 〔貿易〕口頭契約 holding deed 租地契約;將土地所有權轉讓給當前持有者的檔案 guilty deed 犯罪行為;翻譯 great deed 偉大的行動 雙語例句 1. My God, what am I in ...
coresponding; equivalent, considerable, appropriate, (same as 凹) indented; a hollow, concave 康熙字典 䆟【午集下】【穴部】康熙筆畫:11畫部外筆畫:6畫 康熙字典 䆟 《廣韻》口答切《集韻》渴合切《正韻》克盍切,𠀤...
內凹天然面 Indented natural: 鑽石原礦的表皮上可能有三角形或平行凹槽的生長印記,在加工後未去除而陷於刻面之下。內部孿晶紋 Internal graining: 鑽石晶體生長不規則所產生,其外貌可為多條平行直線、歪斜線或波浪曲線。晶結 Knot :...
Semi-indentedLetterStyle 32 BlockedLetterStyle 33 AddressingEnvelopes 34 WordsandExpressionsCommonly UsedinForeignTrade 35 UnitFourEstablishingBusiness Relations 38 SpecimenLetters 39 Vocabulary 43 WordsandExpressionsCommonly UsedinForeign...
2.TheIndentedLetterStyle 3.TheModifiedIndentedLetterStyle Specimeus Exercises Remarks Chapter2EstablishmentofBusinessRelations SectionIIntroduction 1.ImportanceofBusinessRelations 2.ChannelsforInformationofPotentialPartners 3.Requirementsfor...
(a dialect) the gesture of using an indented contain (ladle, spoon etc.) to get in hold something (loosed), (corrupted form of U+65CA 瓬) clay pottery; earthenware 古籍解釋 康熙字典 𢭨【備考·卯集】【手部】...
trilby,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“腳;呢帽的一種”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 trilby /ˈtrɪlbɪ/ 1.N a man's soft felt hat with an indented crown 軟氈帽 [英國英語]短語搭配 Guy Trilby 傑森...
1.2.2 Modified Block Form with Indented Style 1.2.3 Modified Block Form 1.2.4 Simplified Form 1.3 The Structure of Business Letters 1.3.1 Parts of a Business Letter 1.3.2 The Ways of Writing All the Above ...
Yang, W., Ayoub, G., Salehinia, I., Mansoor, B., Zbib, H.,The effect of layer thickness ratio on the plastic deformation mechanisms of nanoindented Ti/TiN nonolayered composite,2018,Computational material Science,Y...