



  • 外文名:deed
  • 詞性:名詞(n.)、動詞(v.)
  • 單詞讀音:/diːd/
  • 名詞釋義:行動;功績;證書;〔法〕契據
  • 動詞釋義:立契轉讓




Good deed 大好事;做善事;好事;天大的好事
evil deed 不正當的行為;迷幻搖滾;邪惡的事;吉他搖滾
rectification deed 修正契據
deed book 文契彙編
deed indented 缺邊契約;鋸齒邊契約;詳細翻譯
oral deed 〔貿易〕口頭契約
holding deed 租地契約;將土地所有權轉讓給當前持有者的檔案
guilty deed 犯罪行為;翻譯
great deed 偉大的行動


  • 1He is all talk and no deed.他光說空話,沒有行動。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 2My grandmother says a good deed is its own reward.我的奶奶說,做好事本身就是一種回報。
  • 3We have sought a new era of engagement with the world in word and deed.我們一直在尋求一個在言語和行動上與世界密切聯繫的新時代。
  • 4It is owned by a trust whose beneficiaries are not specified in its deed.它現在屬於一位未在其契約中指定受益人的信託。
  • 5We must make the building of a free society once more an intellectual adventure and a deed of courage.我們必須使建設自由社會再次成為一種智力的冒險和一場勇敢的行動。
  • 6Before his death, he filed a deed protecting the use of his image until 2039, preventing others from recreating him using CGI to appear in a film, TV show or as a hologram.在他死前,他提交了一份契約,來保護他的形象在2039年之前的使用,防止其他人使用計算機生成圖像技術在電影、電視節目或全息圖中再現他的形象。
  • 7Smith changed his name by deed poll to Jervis-Smith.史密斯通過單邊契據將自己的名字更改為傑維斯—史密斯。《牛津詞典》
  • 8The perpetrators of this evil deed must be brought to justice.這件惡行的兇手必須接受法律的制裁。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.該殺手被敵對的黑手党家族雇來幹這件卑鄙的勾當。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10Keep in mind that a small deed makes a big difference.要記住,一件小事會產生很大的影響。
  • 11He did an unusual good deed.他做了一件不尋常的善事。
  • 12The man has said his deed was but lamely proved.這個人剛才說他的行為不足以做證明。
  • 13This deed of thine shall cost thee all thou art worth.你的這一舉動將使你付出你所有代價。
  • 14Remembering his deed, he obeyed Heidi's instructions willingly.想起自己做過的事,他心甘情願地聽著海蒂的吩咐。
  • 15Peter had forgotten that a bad deed always brings a punishment.彼得忘記了,做壞事總是要受到懲罰的。
  • 16Remember the little watchman when you long to do a wicked deed again.當你想再做一件壞事的時候,要記得那個小守望人。
  • 17The children had joined her, Heidi assuring her that it was another person's deed.孩子們也加入了她,海蒂向她保證這是其他人做的。
  • 18Deed I don't know, Aunt Polly; cats always act so when they're having a good time.我真的不知道,波莉姨媽;貓在快活的時候總是這樣的。
  • 19She is convinced that an old Sesemann is wandering about, expiating some dreadful deed.她確信一個年老的賽賽曼正在四處遊蕩,為一些可怕的罪行贖罪。
  • 20If somebody thinks that nobody knows about a wicked deed, he is wrong; God always knows it.如果有人認為沒人知道他做了什麼壞事,那他就錯了;上帝總是知道的。
  • 21His deed had rejoiced him till this moment, when Heidi seemed to talk as if she knew it all.他剛剛還在慶幸,直到這時海蒂說話,好像她什麼都知道了。
  • 22"Because I do not need them," said the child, not seeming in the least repentant of her deed.“因為我不需要它們。”那孩子說,對她的行為似乎並不後悔。
  • 23If this happens, the bad luck that goes with the deed falls upon the person whose cigarette was the last to be lit.如果發生這種情況,那么厄運就會降臨到最後點燃香菸的人身上。
  • 24Life presents us with experience after experience, and with every deed, decision, and selection, we are determining where we will end up.生活給我們帶來了一段又一段的經歷,我們的每一次行動、每一個決定、每一項選擇都在決定著我們將走向何方。
  • 25So far as one can gauge the feelings of the whole nation, is there any apparent connection between a generous deed and a friendly response?就一個人對整個民族感情的判斷來說,慷慨的行為和友好的回應之間有沒有任何明顯的聯繫?
  • 26Even if there is no concrete benefit paid in response to your good deed, at the very least, the doer of the good deed has the opportunity to enjoy a kind of spiritually enlightened moment.即使你的善行沒有帶來任何具體的回報,至少行善的人有機會享受一種精神上的啟迪。
  • 27I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being, one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed.我認為伊索的意思是,如果你對別人行善,你可以希望這一善事會反過來使你,也就是做這件善事的人,在某種程度上受益。
  • 28That foolish deed of his will remain a blot on his escutcheon.他的那種愚蠢行為將永遠是他名譽上的污點。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 29It was a heroic deed, he said.他表示:“這是一個英雄的壯舉,”。


