- 外文名:incivilization
- 英式讀音:[,ɪnsɪvɪlɪ'zeʃən]
- 美式讀音:[,ɪnsɪvɪlɪ'zeʃən]
- 詞性:名詞
civilization是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“ 文明;文化”。單詞發音 英[ˌsɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən]美[ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃən]短語搭配 Cycladic civilization 基克拉澤斯文明 ; 基克拉迪文明 ; ...
Enemies of Civilization is a work of comparative history and cultural consciousness that discusses how "others" were perceived in three ancient civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China. Each civilization was the dominant ...
Cereal grains have been the principal component of human diet for thousands of years and have played a major role in shaping human civilization. Around the world, rice, wheat, and maize, and to a lesser extent, ...
TREE has been a symbol of abundance, peace, and longevity. Gifted by a goddess, revered by ancient cultures, and protected by emperors, the olive tree and its precious fruit have played important roles in civilization....
of what has happened in the past in history that has made the world what it is now today against the cultural background. If, broadly defined, culture means a way of life, the whole human history of civilization ...
Firaxis超級大作Civilization III,這個攜風雷之勢而來的遊戲是迄今最偉大的兩部作品的續集,當然它也完全遵循了自己高貴的血統。它是超一流設計、整潔界面、優秀美工設定、無限可重玩性、開放架構和史詩般敘事技巧等原則的讚歌,也是Sid ...
3. Baptized in Civilization 4. Appetites of the Mind 5. No Longer a Slave 6. Cutthroat 7. Acquired Taste Part II: Truth 8. Dancing in Shackles 9. Liberty Leading the People 10. Miracles and Magic Engines 11. A ...
civilization in the beginning of the fifth century.— 026 —THIRD LECTURE Object of the lecture — All the various systems pretend to be legitimate — What is political legitimacy? Co-existence of all systems of ...
羅伯特·安德魯·密立根博士對20世紀的物理學革命做出了許多重大貢獻(Dr. Millikan made many significant contributions to the twentieth-century revolution in Physics.)。(國立美國郵政博物館評)人物紀念 發行郵票 1982年1月26日,...
Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into CivilizationsEnd. The World Cataclysm in 2012. 2012: The return ofQuetzalcoatl. According to many of these alarmingly titledbooks, the ancient Maya not only had a keen insight into ...
02 The Ancient Egyptian Civilization···030 古埃及文明 03 Different Cultures in DifferentCountries ···034 不同國家的不同文化 04 World Population···
countries have attained different achievements. The process of civilization in differentnations and countries would not be of the same paces, so world modernization shows asynchrony ofcourse and uneven distribution. In 2006 ...
2. Great contribution to the civilization in many fields眾多領域內的偉大文明貢獻 Chapter 4 Babylon: The Sleeping Civilization under the Dust Cover 第四章 巴比倫——沙塵掩蓋下的沉睡文明 1. Babylon:The great history and ...
15 Europe in the Industrial Age: Modernization and Imperialism Ⅴ Western Civilization in Crisis: World Wars and Totalitarianism 1914~1945 16 World War I: The West in Despair 17 The Soviet Union: Modernization and ...