The Order of Days

The Order of Days

《The Order of Days》是一本Random House US出版的圖書,作者是David Stuart ,本書探索了古代瑪雅人在計時和世界觀方面的真正知識成就是如何比任何關於這個先進文明的流行的、通常是令人震驚的說法都要令人印象深刻和顯著得多。


  • 書名:The Order of Days 
  • 作者:David Stuart
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9780385527262


The world's foremost expert on Maya culture looks at 2012hysteria and explains the truth about what the Maya meant and whatwe want to believe.
Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into CivilizationsEnd. The World Cataclysm in 2012. 2012: The return ofQuetzalcoatl. According to many of these alarmingly titledbooks, the ancient Maya not only had a keen insight into themystical workings of our planet and the cosmos, but they were alsoable to predict that the world will end in the year 2012.
David Stuart, the foremost scholar of the Maya and recipient ofnumerous awards for his work, takes a hard look at the frenzy over2012 and offers a fascination (and accurate) trip through Mayanculture and belief. Stuart shows how the idea that the "end of theMayan calendar," which supposedly heralds the end of our ownexistence, says far more about our culture than about the ancientMaya. The Order of Days explores how the real intellectualachievement of ancient Maya timekeeping and worldview is far moreimpressive and remarkable than any of the popular, and oftenoutrageous, claims about this advanced civilization.


David Stuart is a Mayanist scholar and professor of Mesoamerican art and writing at the University of Texas at Austin. He began deciphering Mayan hieroglyphs at the age of eight, under the tutelage of Linda Schele. He has made major contributions in the field of epigraphy, particularly related to the decipherment of the Mayan * used by the pre-Columbian Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica.


