- 外文名:inanimate
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英標:[ɪnˈænɪmət]
- 譯義:無生命的;無生氣的
- 美標:[ɪnˈænɪmət]
《Songs and Dances of the Inanimate World: The Subway》是1984年皮埃爾·赫伯特執導的一部微電影。劇情簡介 In this animated film without words, filmmaker Pierre Hébert and musicians Robert Lepage and René Lussier worked together, and separately, in their respective media. This cinema/music ...
1,從有無生命角度劃分,主語可區分為有靈主語 (animate) 和無靈主語 (inanimate) 兩類。無靈名詞作主語,常翻譯成各種狀語,譯成 “ 由於 …… 因此 ” , “ 因為 …… 所以 ” , “ 在 …… 之後 ” 等等。非人稱主語句採用“無靈主語”(inanimate subject),表示抽象概念、心理感覺、事物名稱或時間...
object can be changed in this manner. For example, if I change the animate line to read.SVG對象的任何特性都可以用這種方式來更改。30A colloid of life is the unknown factor between the animate and the inanimate." (Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation, p.14.)生命膠質是介於生命體和非生命體的未知介質。
動詞擬人,英語中有時以客觀事物或抽象名詞為主語,謂語卻用描寫人的動作、行為等方面的動詞,這種現象稱為“動詞擬人”。簡介 動詞擬人可以使無靈名詞(inanimate nouns)所表達的事物具有人的情感、情態或動作,使抽象的概念具體化,使靜止的物體具有動態的人格化效果。“動詞擬人”的現象在英語中較為普遍,翻譯時要...
So we've got a possible explanation of the difference between an animated and an unanimated or an inanimate body to it.於是我們得到了對,生命體與非生命體之間區別的一種可能的解釋。Agents can not only be proper nouns, indefinite noun phrases, unanimated noun phrases, but also be gerunds and ...
of matter 萬物有生論 英英釋義 Hylozoism is the philosophical point of view that all matter (including the universe as a whole) is in some sense alive. This may include the view that "inanimate" matter has latent powers of abiogenesis, a widely held position in the scientific community.
幽夢 ~ Inanimate Dream(6面)最初是以睡衣形象登場,抱著巨大的鬧鐘,後來換了馬甲長褲撐著陽傘二次登場。EX面BOSS 夢月(むげつ)Mugetsu 種族:惡魔 主題曲:女僕幻想 ~ Icemilk Magic 幻月的妹妹。高傲,對人類漠不關心,將人類的生命當做玩具。十分強大的敵人,但是和姐姐幻月比起來仍然要溫和得多。如果...
3.Bi,Y.,Han,Z.,Shu,H.,& Caramazza,A.(2007).Nouns,Verbs,Objects,Actions,and the Animate/Inanimate effect.Cognitive Neuropsychology.24(5),485-504.4.Bi,Y.,Han,Z.,& Shu,H.,Weekes,B.(2007).The interaction between the semantic and the nonsemantic routes of reading: ...
It was a typical summer evening in June, the atmosphere being in such delicate equilibrium and so transmissive that inanimate objects seemed endowed with two or three senses, if not five.這是六月里一個典型的傍晚,大氣的平衡達到了精細的程度,傳導性也十分敏銳,所以沒有生命的東西也似乎有了兩三種...
9.3 Inanimate vs. Animate Chapter Ten Cultural Differences in Communicative Style 10.1 Inductive 10.2 Deductive Chapter Eleven Nonverbal Communication 11.1 What Is Nonverbal Communication?11.2 Channels of Nonverbal Communication 11.3 Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication 11.4 Functions of Non...
《Friends of Interpretable Objects》是2004年3月HARVARD U.P出版的圖書,作者是Tamen, Miguel。內容簡介 Miguel Tamen's concern is to show how inanimate objects take on life through their interpretation - notably, in our own culture, as they are collected and housed in museums. It is his claim ...
《Amigurumi Knits》是2009年5月1日Creative Publishing international出版的圖書,作者是Hansi Singh。內容簡介 Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. Typically they are kooky little animals but they can also be inanimate objects, like ...