- 外文名:impending
- 英式讀音:[ɪmˈpendɪŋ]
- 美式讀音:[ɪmˈpendɪŋ]
- 詞性:動詞,形容詞
失去自發的呼吸運動,常伴以發紺,但也發生於意識清楚而由於異物阻塞而急性起病(cafe coronany).如呼吸停止延續,很快隨之以心臟停搏,因為進行性低氧血症可使心功能不全.即將呼吸停止(impending respiratory arrest)的特點為意志受抑和虛弱...
第二關 迫近的消滅(Impending Annihilation)技術階層:1 對手:序列九 地形:高地 起始現金:2600 任務:迅速擴建我軍基地,阻止序列九增援他們的基地,然後將其消滅。提示:我軍基地位於地圖的中心地帶,與兩座木橋相連。戰鬥開始,...
28 Impending Fury (1:12) 29 Industrial Mayhem (1:30) 30 Iridium Factor (1:14) 31 Jun Mai (0:46) 32 Jungle Fever (0:35) 33 Kamakura (0:44) 34 Lord of Two Lands (1:43) 35 Norwegian Devil (0:51) 36 ...
”示 例 明·沈鯨《雙珠記·真武靈隱》:“想伊必是大仙,休咎事曾經明辨,論避凶趨吉 ,惟人當自先。”詞語辨析 英語翻譯 conduct oneself so as to avoid impending trouble and seek good luck 褒貶解析 屬中性成語 ...
Lysis, Socrates and others discuss separate ethical conceptions. Protagoras, Ion, and Meno discuss whether righteousness can be taught. In Gorgias, Socrates is estranged from his city’s thought, and his fate is impending....
The high background noise is documented in many complaints in writings of the time. It led to the practice of loudly sounding a cadential chord to alert the audience of an impending aria.據記載高背景噪聲當時被大量的...
There are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of "eat, drink, and be merry," most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.當然,有這樣一些人奉行享樂主義的座右銘——吃喝玩樂,...
using the town of Park Falls as his pulpit. As James befriended the scientist, he was drawn into a juggernaut of colossal proportions. The stranger to town let loose for the world the knowledge of its impending doom ...
I wondered: Did it matter that this cat had some extrasensory power of perception that allowed him to pick up on impending mortality before highly trained medical minds could?我不知道這么說是否有意義:這隻貓具備某種超常...
and others discuss separate ethical conceptions. "Protagoras, Ion, " and "Meno" discuss whether righteousness can be taught. In "Gorgias, " Socrates is estranged from his city's thought, and his fate is impending. The...
are already more deaths than births every year. China’s One-Child Policy has left that country without enough women to marry its men, not enough young people to support the country’s elderly, and an impending ...
厄運金屬(Doom Metal)是金屬樂的一個極端形式,通常有著緩慢的節奏、調低音調的吉他和比其他金屬流派更加“厚重”的音效。厄運金屬的音樂和歌曲都試圖換起聽者絕望、恐懼和步步逼近的厄運感(impending doom)。強烈影響這個流派的樂隊是...