idempotent,英文單詞,主要用作為形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時譯為“ 冪等的”;作名詞時譯為“[數] 冪等”。
- 外文名:idempotent
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞
- 英式發音: [,aɪdem'pəʊt(ə)nt; aɪ'dempət(ə)nt]
- 美式發音:[aɪ'dɛmpətənt]
- 釋義:全冪等的、冪等性、等冪的
idempotent,英文單詞,主要用作為形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時譯為“ 冪等的”;作名詞時譯為“[數] 冪等”。
idempotence idempotent matrix 冪等矩陣 Retries and Idempotence 重試和冪等性 law of idempotence 冪等律 雙語例句 1.It turns out the design of fails the idempotence goal. 結果證明lispy . py的設計不能滿足等冪的目標...
冪等矩陣(idempotent matrix)定義:若A為方陣,且A²=A,則A稱為冪等矩陣。例如,某行全為1而其他行全為0的方陣是冪等矩陣。實際上,由Jordan標準型易知,所有冪等矩陣都相似於對角元全為0或1的對角陣。定義介紹 A是n階方陣,...
冪等律 冪等律(idempotent law)是1993年公布的數學名詞。出自《數學名詞》第一版。公布時間 1993年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《數學名詞》第一版。
亞冪等根(subidempotent radical)是一個特殊的根性質。指滿足下述條件的根性質R:R是遺傳的;每個R根環都是冪等環。在環結構定理中,通常捨棄環的冪零性而適當保留其冪等性。概念 亞冪等根(subidempotent radical)是一個特殊的根性質...
idempotent nilpotent 冪等 local nilpotent 局部冪零 雙語例句 A class of cubic differential system is studied in this paper, in which origin is nilpotent singular point.研究了一類原點為三次冪零奇點的三次微分系統。This paper ...
加法冪等除半環(additive idempotent divisionsemiring)一種特殊的除半環.半環G中任意元x,恆有x+x=x,稱G為加法冪等半環一個除半環G若是加法冪等的,則稱為加法冪等除半環.對於G是加法冪等除半環,有如下的定理:1.若x+y=y+...
The maximum idempotent - separating congruence on a S - semigroup is characterized and a fundamental representation of a such semigroup is given.刻劃了S-正則半群上的極大冪等元分離同餘並給每個S-正則半群一個基本表示。In ...
chapter 7 local rings, semilocai rings, and idempotents 19. local rings exercises for 19 20. semilocal rings appendix: endomorphism rings of uniserial modules exercises for 20 21. th theory ofidempotents exercises for ...
2 The Master Idempotent 3 The Substitutional Properties of Functions 4 The Number of Independent Solutions of LX = 0 5 The Solution of the Equation LX = 0 6 Functions which are Invariant under a Group of Substitutional...
6.4. The Idempotent of a Cyclic Code 6.5. Other Representations of Cyclic Codes 6.6. BCH Codes 6.7. Decoding BCH Codes 6.8. Reed-Solomon Codes 6.9. Quadratic Residue Codes 6.10. Binary Cyclic Codes of Length...
4.4 Projectors and Idempotent Matrices 4.4.1 Projectors and Idempotent Matrices 4.4.2 Orthogonal Complement and Orthogonal Projectors 4.5 Adjoint Transformation 4.6 Normal Transformations and Normal Matrices 4.7 Hermitian ...
[7]岳勤,Wu, Yansheng,Li, Fengwei.Primitive idempotents of irreducible cyclic codes and self-dual cyclic codes over Galois rings.DISCRETE MATHEMATICS,2018,341(6):1755-1767 [8]岳勤,Ding, Cunsheng,Ding, Cunsheng等.New ...
6.8 Preservers of idempotent relation 6.9 Remarks on Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Preservers of inverses of matrices 7.1 Linear inverse preservers between spaces of matrices 7.2 Additive inverse preservers between spaces of matrices...
2.A class of naturally ordered abundant semigroups with greatest idempotent 數學物理學學報(英) 1997,2;3.具有正規中間冪等元和富足半群的特徵與結構,自然科學進展 1996,2;4.The characterization of abundant semigroups. 自然...