



  • 外文名:frontal
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈfrʌntl]
  • 美式發音:[ˈfrʌntl]


英 [ˈfrʌntl] 美 [ˈfrʌntl]
adj. 額的;正面的,前面的
n. 額骨,額部;房屋的正面
n. (Frontal)人名;(西)弗朗塔爾
[ 複數 frontals ]


frontal /ˈfrʌntəl/ TEM8
1.ADJ Frontal means relating to or involving the front of something, for example, the front of an army, a vehicle, or the brain. 前部的; 正面的 [正式]


frontal edge 前緣
frontal fog [氣象] 鋒面霧 ; 鋒霧
frontal chromatography 迎頭色譜法 ; 前沿色譜法 ; 迎頭色譜 ; 當頭色譜法
frontal attack strategy 正面進攻戰略
frontal method 波前法 ; 迎頭色譜法 ; 迎頭法 ; 前沿法
Frontal encephalocele 額部腦膨出
frontal lobe 大腦額葉
frontal bone 額骨
frontal analysis 迎頭(分析)法;前沿分析
frontal area 正面;鋒面;最大截面;額區
frontal zone 鋒區;鋒帶;鋒面;前緣地帶
frontal sinus 額竇
frontal plane [解]額平面;[醫]正面圖


  • They launched a frontal attack on company directors. 他們向公司董事發起了正面攻擊。
  • Airbags protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact. 汽車若遇到正面猛烈撞擊,安全氣囊可以保護駕車者。
  • Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels. 軍方領導人們沒有料到叛亂分子的正面襲擊。
  • Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain continues throughout early childhood, and this part of the brain may be critical for remembering particular episodes in ways that can be retrieved later. 兒童的大腦額葉在整個幼兒時期會不斷成熟,而這部分大腦對於記憶特定的事件是至關重要的,以後還可以再回憶起這些事件。
  • Others opted to lie, and they showed increased activity in their frontal parietal control network, which is involved in difficult or complex thinking. 其他人選擇撒謊,而他們的額頂葉控制網路的活動增加了;這部分大腦與困難或複雜的思考有關。
  • Patients usually had typical rhizomelic short stature, large head, frontal bossing and trident fingers. 患者大多有典型的四肢近端短小,大頭,前額突出,以及三叉戟狀手。
  • One large scale study in Maryborough, Victoria, Australia showed the prevalence of mid-frontal baldness increases. 在澳大利亞維多利亞州馬里伯勒進行的一項大規模研究表明,中額禿頂的患病率呈上升趨勢。
  • And Elliot had a tumor in his frontal lobe. 埃利奧特前額葉上有腫瘤。
  • Frontal views of the brains of men and women. 男女大腦的正面視圖。
  • In particular, they're not fully myelinated in their frontal lobes. 特別是他們額葉的髓鞘並未完全發育。
  • Then ten thousand of Israel's finest men made a frontal attack on Gibeah. 有以色列人中的一萬精兵,來到基比亞前接戰,勢派甚是兇猛。
  • Recall that frontal lobes are involved in things like restraint and willpower. 還記得額葉與約束力和意志力有關吧。
  • Surgeons at Balad had removed the shrapnel-pierced part of his left frontal lobe. 在巴拉德,醫生取出了穿入他左額葉的彈片。
  • On average, smokers had a thinner medial orbito-frontal cortex than nonsmokers. 平均說來,抽菸者比不抽菸者的中間眶額皮層要稀薄一點。
  • Why, then, might old memories be transferred from the hippocampus to the frontal cortex? 那么,為什麼會舊的記憶會從海馬轉移到額葉皮層?
  • The frontal cortex is where attention, decision-making and executive function take place. 前皮層是發揮注意力、決策和執行功能的區域。
  • The achievements of our frontal lobes are undermined by the backwardness of our adrenal glands. 我們的落後的腎上腺將我們大腦額葉所取得的成就大打折扣。
  • These are called lobes, and there are four of them: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. 這些區域叫做葉,有額葉、頂葉、顳葉與枕葉。
  • The frontal cortex, a large area behind the forehead, is the most recently evolved part of the brain. 額葉是前額後的一大塊區域,是大腦在進化過程中最後形成的部分。
  • Worry, on the other hand, activates a region in the left frontal lobe that is linked to speech production. 另一方面,“擔心”則激活了連線到產生語言區域的左額葉。
  • Expect emotional awkwardness, apathy and poor decision-making skills as regions in the frontal cortex mature. 有些不善表達自己情感的、冷漠的、決策力不足的表現都是受前額皮層是否成熟影響。
  • The pre-frontal cortex is important to higher-order thinking, including goal-setting, language and memory. 而前段大腦皮層正是高效思考的關鍵,它包括設定目標,語言和記憶。
  • They translate the lifting power of the serratus muscles into elevation of the midabdomen and frontal pelvis. 它將前鋸肌的提升力傳導到中腹部和骨盆前側。
  • The frontal cortex acts as a master switching station that manages where the brain focuses its immediate attention. 額葉皮質猶如一個開關控制站點,對我們大腦集中精神部分進行管理。
  • This phenomenon, known as confabulation in psychiatric jargon, is also found in people with frontal lobe disorders. 這種現象在心理術語中被稱為虛構症,已經在大腦前額葉紊亂的人群中發現。
  • Damage to his frontal lobes, which play a role in behavior and personality, caused a host of other peculiar symptoms. 大腦中額葉的作用是控制行為和個性,對這個部分造成的損傷造成了一系列特別的症狀。
  • In making decisions, the frontal lobe of the human brain, which is relatively new in evolutionary history, is instrumental. 在做決定時,人腦的額葉是主要工具——它在進化史上出現的時間相對較晚。


