- 外文名稱:forget the love
- 發行時間:2008-01-08
- 歌曲語言:英語
歌曲: forget the love ...... 歌曲: forget the love詞條標籤: 娛樂 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 瀏覽次數:次 編輯次數:2次歷史版本 最近更新: 創建者:揮霍TTdi...
《Can't forget your love》是日本女歌手倉木麻衣演唱的一首歌曲,由倉木麻衣本人作詞、大野愛果作曲、Cybersound和德永曉人合作編曲,收錄在倉木麻衣於2001年8月29...
加拿大人氣夫妻樂隊DESTINEAK全新單曲《I Feel the Love》發布,極致電子音樂刷新...suchafeelingtonightthatwe'llneverregretpromiseandheartbreakwelivetoforget...
(The Chainsmokers/Drew Love合作歌曲)編輯 鎖定 《Somebody》是由美國電音組合...I know I should forget her 我知道我應該將她忘記 (You know, just know ...
《Can't Forget Your Love》是倉木麻衣的音樂作品,收錄在《Can't Forget Your...The world is go round and round どれ程の心を 重ねたら たどり著く? ...
How could you forget the times we've sharedDon't throw our love away, you know it's never too lateChorusRemember me as the only one who set you...
《I DO IT FOR THE LOVE》是張藝興冬粉Xback的原創應援曲,發行於2018年12月15日。...... Lock the door and work till I forget time 我鎖上門,奮鬥直到忘...
But the hard times and the liquor drove the easy love awayAnd the only ...How you've helped me to accept myself and I won't forget ...
Now I, I'm falling to my knees, so grateful for the grace You giveThe love I need I've found in youLest I forget...
and all the love i have is especially for youyou were in my heartmy love never changedno more dreaming about tomorrowforget the loneliness and the ...