- 外文名:footing
- 詞性:名詞、動詞
《Big Footing》是Parliament演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Chocolate City》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 I know what you can do Let us lay some funk on you Funk on me Funk on you Music for the young and old Music good to your earhole H...
→ see also footing PHRASE If you get cold feet about something, you become nervous or frightened about it because you think it will fail. 緊張; 害怕 PHRASE If you say that someone is finding their feet in a new ...
pussyfoot,英語單詞,主要用作不及物動詞,作不及物動詞時譯為“偷偷地走;輕輕地走;謹慎行事”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 pussyfoot /ˈpʊsɪˌfʊt/ ( pussyfooting, pussyfooted, pussyfoots )1.V-I If ...
“footing”是指在光刻工藝中由於顯影不充分等原因導致光刻膠圖形底部寬大的現象。產生原理: 光刻膠對曝光的靈敏度可以由對比度曲線表示,如圖1所示,對比度曲線可以分成四個區域,暗區:曝光劑量很小,光刻膠厚度變化主要由便面成分的...
基底應力擴散 基底應力擴散(stress dispersal beneath footing)是1996年公布的公路交通科學技術名詞。公布時間 1996年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《公路交通科技名詞》第一版。
equal footing 平等地位 equal treatment 平等對待 equal right 平等權利 on an equal footing 立於平等地位;平等對待 approximately equal 約等於,近似等於 equal pay (男女)同工同酬 less than or equal 小於或等於 all things ...
分開式基礎 每個塔腳荷載由一個基礎承受的基礎。中文名稱:分開式基礎;英文名稱:separatefootingfoundation;定義1:每個塔腳荷載由一個基礎承受的基矗;套用學科:電力(一級學科);輸電線路...
A Building Components and Construction Methods Reading Material B Lift SlabsUNIT THIRTEEN Text Footings Reading Material A Loads, Bearing Pressure, Footing Size (Ⅰ) Reading Material B Loads, Bearing Pressure, Footing Size (...
who want to build from the ground up, or at the same time, includes those who are still mentally planning to build; and, for those who want to figure how to repair certain things about the foundation, footing, ...
3. 獨立基礎 single footing 用於單柱下並按材料和受力狀態選定型式的基礎.4. 聯合基礎 combined footing 有兩根或兩根以上的立柱(簡體)共用的基礎,或兩種不同型式基礎共同工作的基礎.5. 條形基礎 strip founcation 水平長而狹的帶狀...
(3) [footing beam]∶屋頂的小屋樑 (4) [binder]∶連繫建築物的部件的梁、大梁或框架 7. 系列 xìliè [series;sets] 相關聯的成系統的事物 8. 系列劇 xìlièjù [series] 連續劇,集與集之間要密切相聯,人物和情節連續蟬聯而...