《Miller's Guide to Foundations and Sitework》2005年McGraw-Hill Professional出版的圖書,作者是Miller。
- 中文名:Miller's Guide to Foundations and Sitework
- 作者:Miller
- 出版社:McGraw-Hill Professional
- 出版時間:2005年6月
- 頁數:250 頁
- 定價:28.25 美元
- 裝幀:Pap
- ISBN:9780071451451
This title offers essential information taking the user beyond the three titles already available with in the house information ("Wiring the Home", "Plumbing The Home", and "Home Remodeling"). Suitable for those who want to work on the house, it starts from scratch like selecting the site or lot, choosing the footings, and the type of foundation to fit the type of house preferred or being plan. It is also suitable for people who want to build from the ground up, or at the same time, includes those who are still mentally planning to build; and, for those who want to figure how to repair certain things about the foundation, footing, and why the site is or is not suitable. From starting the job to completion, including real examples is offered for nearly every application. This work provides essential information needed to plan, manage and complete the job. Tip boxes are included throughout.