flocking,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“植絨花紋棉;羊毛屑”,作動詞時譯為“群集,簇擁;蜂擁而至(flock 的現在分詞)”。
- 外文名:flocking
- 詞性:名詞、動詞
- 英式發音:['flɒkɪŋ]
- 釋義:植絨花紋棉;羊毛屑|群集,簇擁;蜂擁而至(flock 的現在分詞)
flocking,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“植絨花紋棉;羊毛屑”,作動詞時譯為“群集,簇擁;蜂擁而至(flock 的現在分詞)”。
一致性協定,又稱為趨同協定,是一個非強迫動態系統,受到智慧型體初始狀態和互動拓撲結構控制。和此問題相關的其他問題有碰面問題(rendezvous problem),同步問題(synchronization),群聚問題(flocking),編隊問題(formation control)。
利用植絨技術,在汽車內飾件的表面進行植絨,達到美觀、減震防噪的目的。簡介 the flocking as the internal decoration of the automobiles 加入微量的絨毛就能汽車內飾倍增豪華,天鵝絨般的感覺讓你的汽車瞬間變得美觀大方,令人賞心悅目;植...
塗豫海因在群集(flocking)理論的開創性工作開啟了活性物質(active matter)的研究領域,並對其發展做出了巨大貢獻,獲得2020拉斯·昂薩格獎。2020年當選為美國科學促進會(AAAS)會士。社會任職 塗豫海是北京大學定量生物學中心傑出訪問學者,...
1. Chunyin Jin. Well-posedness for pressureless Euler system with a flocking dissipation in Wasserstein space. Nonlinear Anal.-Theor. 128 (2015), 412–422.2. Junghee Cho, Seung-Yeal Ha, Feimin Huang, Chunyin Jin, ...
(十五)植絨布(flocking Material):分單面、雙面,單面植絨如果底布不同,厚薄硬度不同,價格也不同。(十六)色丁(Satin):通常車縫不易做,太柔軟易走紗。(十七)水洗布、皺布(Nylon Taffeta):布面有皺紋,由於可以水洗,...
[4] Hui Yu, Jigui Jian, and Yanjun Shen. Flocking control of a group of agents using a fuzzy-logic-basedattractive/repulsive function.InternationalJournal of Communications, Network and System Science, 3: 569–577, 2010...
[10]Yongzheng Sun*, Y. Wang, Donghua Zhao, Flocking ofmulti-agent systems with multiplicative and independent measurement noises,Physica A, 2015, 81-89 [11]Yongzheng Sun*, Wei Lin, A positive role of multiplicative ...
[1] Shaolin Tan, Yaonan Wang, Yao Chen, and Zhen Wang, “Evolutionary dynamics of collective behavior selection and drift: Flocking, collapse, and oscillation,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no.7, pp. ...
Meanwhile, it is the placard-waving, Jeffersonian common horde, flocking to town halls and filling town squares, whohave become the champions of Hamiltonian prudence.以此同時,那些成群結隊湧入市政廳、擠滿城市廣場、搖旗吶喊的...
[3]Li Z, Xue X. Cucker-Smale Flocking under Rooted Leadership with Fixed and Switching Topologies. 2010.[4] Ha S-Y,Li Z, Xue X. Formation of phase-locked states in a population of locally interacting Kuramoto ...
Our company specializes in producing PP, PS anti-static, conductive, PVC, green PET, PE, flocking and fold, folding boxes and blister packaging products hollow board turnover box. Plastic Mold Set design, production in ...
In recent weeks investors have been flocking to buy Treasury bonds, relying on the unimpeachable credit of the American government.過去數周來,有投資者開始琢磨購買美國長期國庫券,因為美國政府的信用一向好像無懈可擊。For each...
靜電植絨用錦綸,通過靜電作用製取立絨的超短錦綸。將切斷長度為1-2mm的錦綸超短纖維。在靜電場下,一端植於襯底材料上成為絨毛狀纖網,作為仿麂皮、裝飾、家具、服飾用布。靜電植絨用錦綸 electrostatic flocking poly amide fibre通過靜電...
2.Yongnan Jia and Weicun Zhang, “Distributed Adaptive Flocking of Non-linear Multi-Agent System with A Leader of Bounded Unknown Input”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2014, 12(5): 1049-...
Lifang Liu, et al. Evaluation of the Availability of Easy Cationic Dyeable Copolyester Fibers as Electrostatic Flocking Piles. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011, 120(1): 195-201. (SCI, IF=1.240)Lifang Liu, et...
密西根州州立大河谷大學是一所公立大學,建於19600年。Grand Valley State University offers a host of international...Top-notch students are flocking to Grand Valley State Univer...Grand Valley State University, through its ...
[3] Xinbiao Lu, Jing Zhang, Jun Zhou,Buzhi Qin and Huimin Qian,Flocking control of multi-agents based on self-adaptively weighting observers driven only by local position measurements, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese ...
十七番機構・繋式鳥枷態《コウノトリの団欒("The flocking storks")》十八番機構・伸式外框態《エクセター公の娘("The rack-Duke's daughter")》(艾克希特公爵之女)十九番機構・掘式螺旋態《人體穿孔機("Man-...