



  • 外文名:expressive
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式音標:[ɪkˈspresɪv]
  • 美式音標:[ɪkˈspresɪv]


expressive subject 發表學科
expressive speech 表情言語 ; 表性言語 ; 表達性言語
expressive ability 表達能力
expressive writing 表達性寫作 ; 表達式寫作
Expressive Arts 表達藝術 ; 表現性藝術 ; 人體表情藝術 ; 藝術表達
expressive technique 表達式技巧
expressive a 意味深長的
Expressive aspect 表達面
inane expressive 意味深長的


  • 1You can train people to be more expressive.你可以培訓人們使其更富於表現力。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Her expressive gestures were motivated from within rather than from being dictated by strict technique.她富有表現力的姿勢是由內心激發的,而不是由嚴格的技巧來支配的。
  • 3It deals, of course, with the techniques of music, but only in order to show how technique is directed toward expressive aims in music and toward the listener's musical experience.當然,它涉及音樂的技巧,但只是為了表明技巧是如何指向音樂的表達目的和聽眾的音樂體驗的。
  • 4For me, it is her face and hands, I think they are really expressive, and also, they make the woman seem very contemplative, seems like she is thinking pretty seriously about something."對我來說,我覺得是她的手和臉,我覺得這兩個地方描繪的非常具有表現力,並且使得這位女性栩栩如生,使得我們感覺她在思考一個非常嚴肅的事情。
  • 5She has wonderfully expressive eyes.她有一雙極富表情的眼睛。《牛津詞典》
  • 6Every word and gesture is expressive of the artist's sincerity.這位藝術家的真誠從一言一行中表現出來。《牛津詞典》
  • 7It is even more expressive than the written word.它甚至比書面文字更具表現力。
  • 8People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties.人們注定與兩種類型的人際關係緊密相連:情感紐帶和工具紐帶。
  • 9Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people.情感紐帶是一種在我們投入自己的感情,並且將我們的感情託付給他人時所形成的社會聯繫。
  • 10Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right.情感紐帶在初級社會群體中起主導作用;我們認為,這一群體的人通常依靠他們自己實現目的,並且憑藉自身的實力體現自我價值。
  • 11The everity of expressive aphasia varies among patients.表達性失語症的嚴重程度因患者而異。
  • 12The centuried Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue who makes extremely expressive wines are recognized as the king of Chambolle-Musigny.歷史悠久的武戈伯爵酒莊持有大片的特級園地塊被尊稱為香波-慕西尼的王者。
  • 13Chen is not an expressive man.Chen Chuanliu是個不會表達的人。
  • 14He was an expressive man.他富於表現力。
  • 15Pattern name: a short, expressive name.模式名稱:一個簡短的富有表現力的名稱。
  • 16With their deep, bright, and most expressive blue.透著明亮深邃的湛藍表情。
  • 17It is expressive dance as well as exotic fitness.它是一種表現異域風情的健身操和舞蹈。
  • 18The configuration for a service can be quite expressive.服務的配置可能非常豐富。
  • 19It presents a rich, expressive language with minimal features.它是一種具備最簡單特性的豐富、可表達的語言。
  • 20Excellent, modest and expressive use of colors. That's effective.運用卓越,適中和富有表現力的顏色,那樣就很高效。
  • 21We are creative, expressive, knowledge-seeking, and able to obey reason.我們是創造性的,有表現力的,尋求知識的,並能服從理智。
  • 22Paid form of public presentation and expressive promotion of ideas.付費的公共演示和明明白白的主意促銷。
  • 23You want a more expressive spouse, but want to control what they express.你想要一個更富於表達的伴侶,但你卻想控制他們表達的內容。
  • 24The first movement, although expressive, maintains a lightness in thesound.第一樂章,富有表現力的同時又不失輕盈。
  • 25This mechanism leverages Atom's expressive and extensible link element.該機制利用Atom富有表現力和可擴展的連結元素。
  • 26Because design is code, you should choose the most expressive language you can.既然設計就是代碼,那么應該儘量選擇表達性最強的語言。
  • 27Sleep deprivation made people look about as expressive, the team found, as a zombie.團隊發現,缺乏睡眠讓人像殭屍一樣用某種固定表情環顧四周。
  • 28They're very expressive in the way the paint is applied, brush, spatula, her fingers.她用畫筆、調色刀和手指著色的風格使這些畫非常富有表現力。
  • 29His skin was pale, his mouth very expressive, his pale lips barely grazing his teeth.他皮膚蒼白,嘴長的很富有表情,蒼白的嘴唇剛好蓋住牙齒。


