- 外文名:expansivity
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[ˌɪkspænˈsɪvəti,ˌekspænˈsɪvəti]
- 釋義:擴大性;膨脹係數;可膨脹性
有時也稱為線彈性係數(linear expansivity),表示材料膨脹或收縮的程度。分為某一溫度點的線膨脹係數和某一溫度區間的線膨脹係數,後者稱為平均線膨脹係數。前者是單位長度的材料每升高一度的伸長量;平均線膨脹係數是單位長度的材料...
5.1 Global expansivity 5.1.1 Lifting the return map PK (O)5.1.2 Lifting the higher-level return maps 5.2 Long-time asymptotics 5.3 Quadratic examples 5.4 Cubic examples 5.4.1 Orbits in the (O,k,6∞)...
12. He, Q., X. Liu, B. Li, L. Deng, Z. Chen, X. Liu, and H. Wang (2013) Expansivity and compressibility of strontium and barium flourapatites: significance of the M-cations, Physics and Chemistry of ...
10. Zhou Jianguo, Zhu Rongjiao, Xu Hongfei, Tian Yiling, Densities, excess molar volume, isothermal compressibility, and isobaric expansivity of (dimethyl carbonate + n-hexane) systems at temperatures (293.15 to 313.15...