- 外文名:ethical
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞
- 英式讀音:[ˈeθɪkl]
- 美式讀音:[ˈeθɪkl]
ethic,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、形容詞,作名詞時譯為“倫理;道德規範”,作形容詞時譯為“倫理的;道德的(等於ethical)”。單詞用法 1.N-PLURALEthics are moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong. 道德 2.N-PLURAL...
sentimentalism and the twentieth-century debates in the metaphysics and epistemology of morality. These debates are explored in Moore, Ross, Stevenson, Hare, C.I. Lewis, Heidegger, and in some more recent meta-ethical ...
Part A: Understanding business ethics 1: Introducing business ethics 2: Framing business ethics: corporate responsibility, stakeholders, and citizenship 3: Evaluating business ethics: normative ethical theories 4: Making decisions ...
the third edition: addresses many of the current pressing issues in nursing; emphasises the importance of relationships in health care; examines the process of decision making; uses a four-questions model for ethical decision...
Ethical Problems in Dialysis and Transplantation presents an overview of issues with which nephrologists and decision makers are confronted in their daily practice. The search for a universal system of ethics and theories ...
covers a wide range of ethical issues - much more than just 'clinical' dilemmas and decision-making skills a down-to-earth and practical approach to applied ethics user-friendly layout material on moral theory kept to a...
《安全與可持續 : 工程設計中的倫理問題 : ethical issues in engineering design》是2013年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是安珂·范·霍若普。內容簡介 該書描述了工程師遇到的各種倫理問題及工程師解決倫理問題的方式,聚焦安全與可持續...
points out that there can be no clear distinct answer of final wisdom on the subject, and that discussion must go on continually. The findings of research studies are blended with the practice of bringing ethical ...
ethics does not serve the practical needs of medical students and trainees very well, as the dilemmas posed are generally beyond their direct control, and being a student or junior doctor brings its own set of ethical ...
《The Ethics of Nationalism》是2001年出版的圖書,作者是Moore, Margaret。內容簡介 The Ethics of Nationalism blends a philosophical discussion of the ethical merits and limits of nationalism with a detailed understanding of ...
and helps us understand conflicts between promoting health and promoting ethically permissible behavior. After exploring, expanding, and defending this theory in the first part of the book, Richman examines its ethical ...
Ethical Aspiration 《Ethical Aspiration》是仙境傳說演唱的歌曲,收錄於2009年發行的專輯《仙境傳說原聲大碟》中。
to dodge issues and cut corners are greater than ever before. The Ethics of Management provides a very explicit three-part framework to analyze those problems by combining economic outcomes, legal requirements and ethical ...
List of Cases: List of Figures: Preface: Introduction: Four Questions of Ethics What Are the Source, Meaning, and Justification of Ethical Claims? 1. Distinguish between Evaluative Statements and Statements Presenting Non...
has caused one of the greatest practical and ethical challenges in the history of the health professions. This incisive book reviews the history and conceptual origins of evidence-based practice, and discusses key ethical ...
responsibilities.The first chapter introduces some key concepts in the vaccination debate, such as ‘herd immunity’, ‘public goods’, and ‘vaccine refusal’; and explains why failure to vaccinate raises certain ethical ...
ETI(Ethical Trading Initiative) 是英國道德貿易組織的英文簡稱。 是由UK起草的一個議案,目的是通過設立針對在開發中國家採購公司社會責任的論壇以改善全球工人的工作條件。 ETI由三方代表組成:公司、工會和非政府組織。ETI的基本守則與SA...
TEM(Total Ethics Management 或 Total Ethical Management),即全面道德倫理管理。ethics,中文釋義為道德規範、倫理。倫理——在處理人與人、人與社會相互關係時應遵循的道理和準則。倫理學也稱為道德哲學或道德學。TEM是相對於TQM(...
ETI(Ethical Trading Initiative) 是英國道德貿易組織的英文簡稱。ETI主要是由英國公司組成,目的是通過比較改善工人權益的不同方案來改善系統,ETI是在廣泛諮詢後形成的。ETI的基本守則與SA8000類似,都是基於聯合國勞工組織基本協定。定義 ...
倫理型領導(ethical leadership )是2016年公布的管理科學技術名詞。定義 領導者通過個體行為和人際互動,向其下屬表明什麼是規範的、恰當的行為,並通過雙向溝通、強制與決策等方式,促使他們照之執行的領導方式。出處 《管理科學技術名詞》...
倫理片(ethical movie )是指以倫理為主題的電影,它是對社會道德規範的探討。基本定義 主要是指倫理之間的影片 ,是電影對社會道德規範的探討。愛情、婚姻、家庭、宗教、代溝、社會問題等等都可以在倫理的範圍之內,因此倫理片有著比其他...
倫理難題 倫理難題(ethical dilemma)是2003年公布的自然辯證法名詞。公布時間 2003年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《自然辯證法名詞》第一版。
Ethical Dilemma Exerdse For Your Immediate Action: Heartlancl Fragrance Company CASE APPLICATION: A Day in the Life of an Account Executive VIDEO CASE APPLICATION: The New Look of Management in the Federal Government CHAPT...
PART ONE ETHICAL THEORY 1 1 Ethics and Ethical Reasoning 2 Why Study Ethics? 2 What Is Ethics? 3 Ethics and Religion 4 Ethical and Other Types of Evaluation 5 Ethics and Reasons 6 Ethical Reasoning and Arguments 7 ...
1.2 Ethical Theories and Limitations 2 1.3 Ethical Dilemma and Resolutions 4 Chapter 2 Business Ethics 7 2.1 Business Ethics and Theoretical Foundation 7 2.2 History of Business Ethics and Implications 8 2.3 ...