



  • 書名:倫理學:原理及當代論爭
  • 又名:ethics theory and contemporary issues
  • 作者:(美國)芭芭拉·麥凱南(BarbaraMackinnon)
  • ISBN:7301060464
  • 頁數:480頁
  • 出版社北京大學出版社;
  • 出版時間: 第1版 (2003年1月1日)
  • 裝幀平裝
  • 開本:16




1 Ethics and Ethical Reasoning 2
Why Study Ethics? 2
What Is Ethics? 3
Ethics and Religion 4
Ethical and Other Types of Evaluation 5
Ethics and Reasons 6
Ethical Reasoning and Arguments 7
Ethical Theory 9
Types of Ethical Theory 10
Can Ethics Be Taught? 11
Plato Euthyphro 12
Plato Meno 16
Review Exercises 22
Selected Bibliography 23
2 Ethical Relativism 24
What Is Ethical Relativism? 24
Two Forms of Ethical Relativism 25
Reasons Supporting Ethical Relativism 25
Are These Reasons Convincing? 26
Further ConsideraUons 28
Moral Realism 29
Moral Pluralism 29
Mary Midgley Trying Out One's New Sword 31
Review Exercises 34
Selected Bibliography 35
3 Egoism 35
Psychological Egoism 36
Ethical Egoism 37
The Moral Point of View 39
Why Be Moral? 40
Thomas Hobbes Sdf Love 42
Review Exercises 46
Selected Bibliography 47
4 Utilitarianism 48
Historical Background 48
The Principle of Utility 49
Quantity and Quality of Pleasure 52
Evaluating Utilitarianism 53
Act and Rule Utilitarianism 54
"Proof" of the Theory 55
Contemporary Versions 56
John Stuart Mill Utiltarianism 59
Review Exercises 64
Selected Bibliography 65
5 Kant's Moral Theory 66
Historical Background: Immanuel Kant 66
What Gives an Act Moral Worth? 67
The Categorical Imperative 69
Evaluating Kant's Moral Theory 71
Perfect and Imperfect Duties 73
Variations on Kantian Moral Theory 74
Immanuel Kant Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals 76
Review Exercises 86
Selected Bibliography 87
6 Naturalism and Virtue Ethics 88
Virtue Ethics 88
Natural Law Theory 91
Aristotle The Nicomachean Ethics 97
John Locke Second Treatise of Civil Government 104
Review Exercises 106
Selected Bibliography 107
7 Feminist Thought and the Ethics of Care 109
An Ethics of Care 109
Feminist Thought 113
Evaluation of Feminist Thought and 115
the Ethics of Care
Nel Noddings Caring 117
Annette Baier The Need for More than Justice 120
Review Exercises 127
Selected Bibliography 127
8 Euthanasia 130
Brain Death 130
Meaning and Types of Euthanasia 131
Morality and the Law 137
Making Moral Judgments About Euthanasia 137
Infant Euthanasia 141
J. Gay-Williams The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia 144
James Bachels Active and Passive Euthanasia 147
Carl B. Becker Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia 151
Review Exercises 160
Selected Bibliography 162
9 Abortion 163
Stages of Fetal Development 164
Methods of Abortion 164
Abortion and the Law 165
Abortion: The Moral Question 167
Arguments That Do Not Depend on the Fetal-Personhood Issue 167
Arguments That Depend on the FetalPersonhood Issue 169
Judith Jarvis Thomson A Defense of Abortion 175
Sidney Callahan Abort/on and the Sexual
Agenda: A Case for Prolife Feminism 186
Justices O'Connor, Kennedy, and Sourer Planned Parenthood v. Casey 192
Review Exercises 198
Selected Bibliography 199
10 Sexual Morality and Pornography 201
Conceptual Problems: What Is and Is Not Sexual 202
Relevant Factual Matters 203
Sexual Morality and Ethical Theories 204
Pornography 207
Liberty-Limiting Principles 208
Feminism and Pornography 213
Thomas Nagel Sexual Perversion 215
Richard D. Mohr Prejudice and Homosexuality 222
Catharine MacKinnon Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech 228
Review Exercises 233
Selected Bibliography 235
11 Equality and Discrimination 236
Civil Rights Laws: A Brief History 239
Racism and Sexism 240
The Principle of Equality 241
Affirmative Action and Preferential Treatment 245
Riehard A. Wasserstrom On Badsm and Sexism: Realities and Ideals 251
Lisa Newton Reverse Discirmination as Unjustified 258
Robert K. Fullinwider Affirmative Action and Fairness 261
Review Exercises 265
Selected Bibliography 267
12 Economlcdustlce 269
Process or End State Distributive Justice 271
Equal Opportunity 272
Four Political and Economic Theories 273
John Rawls's Theory of Justice 274
International Issues of Economic Justice 278
John Bawls Justice as Fairness 284
Robert Noziek Distributive Justice 294
Peter Singer Famine, Affluence, and Morality 303
Xiaorong Li Human Rights, Development, and "Asian Values" (omitted)
Selected Bibliography 312
13 Legal Punishment 314
The Nature of Legal Punishment 316
The Deterrence Argument 316
Problematic Aspects 317
The Retributivist Argument 318
Problematic Aspects 319
Punishment and Responsibility 320
The Death penalty 321
Hugo Adam Bedan A World Without Punishment 325
Ernest van den Haag The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense 334
Robert Johnson This Man Has Expired: Witness to an Execution 339
Review Exercises 347
Selected Bibliography 349
14 Environmental Ethics 350
The Environment 351
Value 351
Anthropocentrism 352
Ecocentrism 355
Deep Ecology 357
Ecofeminism 358
Sustainable Development 359
William F. Baxter People or Penguins: The Case for Optimal Pollution 362
Holmes Bolston III Humans Valuing the Natural Environment 366
Bill Devall and George Sessions Deep Ecology 376
Review Exercises 386
Selected Bibliography 387
15 AnlmalRIghts 389
Sentience 390
Animal Rights 391
Animal Experimentation 393
Endangered Species 395
Peter Singer All Animals Are Equal 397
Bonnie Steinbock Speciesism and the Idea of Equaltiry 4o5
Review Exercises 412
Selected Bibliography 413
16 Violence, Terrorism, and War 414
Violence 414
Terrorism 415
Pacifism 416
Just War Theory 417
War Crimes and Universal Human Rights 42O
B. G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris Violence, Terrorism,and Justice 423
Michael Walzer Nonvtolence and the Theory of War 49.8
Review Exercises 432
Selected Bibliography 433
17 Technology and the Professions 435
Science 435
Medicine 437
Engineering 440
information Systems and Computer Ethics 441
Business 446
Susan Woff Ethics, Lsgal Ethics, and the Ethics of Law 449
American Nurses' Association Code for Nurses 456
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Code. of Ethics for Engineers 457
Review Exercises 458
Selected Bibliography 450
APPENDIX How to Write an Ethics Paper 463
The Content of the Paper 4630
The Paper's Structure 464
Types of Ethics Papers 466
Is It an Ethics Paper? 468
Structuring or Analyzing an Ethical Argument 468
Sample Ethics Papers 470


