adj. 合奏的,合演的
Mr. Titterton is chairman of the Omega Ensemble but has been the group's official page turner for the past four years. 蒂特頓先生是歐米茄樂團的主席,但在過去的四年里,他一直是該樂團的官方翻頁人。
I just wonder if the jazz ensemble knew what was going to happen. 我只是好奇爵士樂團是否知道接下來會發生什麼。
Originally we were booked in one of the rehearsal rooms in the music building, but then we switched with the jazz ensemble. 一開始我們被安排在音樂大樓的一個排練室里,但後來我們和爵士樂團換了房間。
In The Avengers, the all-star ensemble must thwart a possible world-ending scheme devised by Thor's villainous brother Loki. 在《復仇者聯盟》中,眾星雲集,必須要阻止雷神的邪惡兄弟洛基設計的可能毀滅世界的計畫。
Therefore, the equivalence between the microcanonical ensemble and canonical ensemble still holds in statistics. 因此,微正則系綜與正則系綜的等價性在統計中仍然成立。
She is now a member of the naval art ensemble in Guangzhou. 現在,她是廣州海軍藝術團的一員。
The city is known for the Country Palace Ensemble on its outskirts. 這座城市因郊外的鄉村宮殿群而聞名。
Starring an ensemble cast, Columbia Pictures is set to release the film in November. 這部影片以全明星陣容出演,哥倫比亞電影公司將於11月份發行。
In our little ensemble, Sheiner had me sit next to a fifteen-year-old by the name of Stanley Getz. 在我們的小樂隊里,希尼爾讓我坐在一個名叫斯坦利·蓋茲的15歲男孩旁邊。
He says: Contrary to a woman's ensemble, shoes rarely make a man's outfit, but they can often break it. 他觀點:和女人不一樣,男人的鞋子在整體著裝方面很少會成為重點,不過男人們還是可能會破壞規矩的。
The ensemble is far more elegant than the bulky sarong adopted by too many female holidaymakers these days. 這個搭配比當下大多女性在度假時穿的寬大布裙要優雅得多。
The film sets up next summer's mega-marvel superhero ensemble the Avengers, which takes place in the present. 這部電影明年夏天設立百萬驚奇漫畫裡的超級英雄包括《復仇者》,現在卻發生。
The second try met with more success, and the smoky kohl cheeks of her final ensemble were particularly fetching. 第二次的嘗試獲得了一些成功,她最後試裝時用眼影塗的煙燻臉頰相當動人。
It held an overwhelming ensemble of great works, now scattered around the world, with notable treasures in London. 現在這些藝術品散落到了世界各處。其中一些珍貴藝術品在倫敦收藏保存。
His Thriller video, with its occult imagery and choreographed ensemble dance, helped launch the music video genre. 《Thriller》專輯視頻中神秘造型和精心編排的舞蹈效果奠定了此後音樂視頻的風格。
Orpheus musicians rely on being able to see and hear each other, and limit their ensemble to approximately 40 players. 在奧菲斯樂團,音樂家們要依靠相互間視覺上和聽覺上的交流和聯繫,而且樂團將其團人人數限制在40人左右。
As the Flux theatre Ensemble blog points out, monetary worth is never a good way of judging the true value of theatre. 就像Flux劇院合唱團在部落格中說的那樣,商業價值絕對不是衡量一個劇院價值的好方法。
The complexity of the music, plaintive and repetitive, shines through, thanks to the uncluttered performance of his ensemble. 正是有了合奏團整齊的演奏,才使得複雜、憂傷、重複的音樂照亮了聽眾的心田。
Joanne Martinez, 37, of San Clemente, Calif., bought a Hawaiian-print ensemble to stave off chills during late-night dips. 加利福尼亞薩克拉門托37歲的喬安妮·馬丁內茲(JoanneMartinez)買了一款夏威夷印花花樣的套裝泳衣,以避開午夜遊泳中的嚴寒。
With an ensemble of key figures to introduce, the main roles physically look the part but still need to warm up to each other. 隨著一系列關鍵人物出場,主角雖然短暫相互會見,但仍需一段磨合期。
We can always tell when a musical group, whether a rock band, a jazz ensemble, a choir, or even an orchestra, is playing as one. 我們經常說,一個音樂團隊,無論是搖滾樂隊、爵士樂隊、合唱團,或者甚至是一個管弦樂隊,都應該整體如一像一個人在演奏一樣。
She also attracted the attention of Yo Yo Ma, a cellist with whom she now frequently performs as a member of his Silk Road Ensemble. 她也引起了馬友友的注意——作為這位大提琴家“絲綢之路”演奏團的一員,她現在經常和他同台表演。
A precise, inventive director, he has run two of Germany’s most prestigious theatre companies, the Berliner Ensemble and the Schaubühne. 他一絲不苟,並且創意十足,現在管理著柏林的Ensemble和Schaubühne這兩家德國非常有名望的戲院。
But more important than not repeating the same party dress is choosing the ensemble that is the most flattering — and the most photogenic. 不過,比避免穿同一套衣服出席派對更重要的是,選擇最好看、最上相的服飾。
That is, when I ask "what is the best ensemble to make me look good for the conference," I would like the answer before I go to the conference. 也就是說,當我詢問“我參加這次會議做好的配套服裝是什麼”時,我希望在我參加這個會議之前得到答案。
You would like to send a message to all your clothes buckets, "Please give me an ensemble to make me look good for this conference presentation!" 您要向您所有的衣服木桶傳送一個信息,“請給我一套搭配好的衣服,讓我在這次會議出席時看起來很不錯!”