n.(名詞)[U]雇用,就業 the state of being employed
[U]職業,工作 paid work[U]使用,運用 the act of using
[C]有益的活動 a useful activity
- 中文名:雇用;使用;職業;有益的活動
- 外文名:employment
- 英式音標:ɪmˈplɔɪmənt
- 美式音標:ɛmˈplɔɪmənt
- 複數:employments
- 詞性:名詞
- 職業,工作
- 雇用,僱傭,受僱
- <書>使用,利用,運用
- <書>事務
- 活動,消遣
- 就業
- 有益的活動
- 就業率,受僱百分比,受僱人數
- <廢>意圖,目的
- the state of being employed or having a job;
"they are looking for employment"
"he was in the employ of the city" - the occupation for which you are paid;
"he is looking for employment"
"a lot of people are out of work" - the act of giving someone a job
- the act of using;
"he warned against the use of narcotic drugs"
"skilled in the utilization of computers"
- He enrolled with anemploymentagency for a secretary.
他在職業介紹所登記要當秘書。 - He left his home to look foremployment.
他離家去找職業。 - Hisemploymentis that of a bookbinder.
他的職業是裝訂工。 - Dictionary-making has not been his exclusiveemployment.
編字典一直都不是他唯一的工作。 - She is looking for permanentemployment.
她正在找固定的工作。 - He is out ofemployment.
他失業了。 - Mr Martin is no longer in our employ.
馬丁先生不再為我們所雇用了。 - Employmentis conditional on his ability.
是否雇用他取決於他的能力。 - Theemploymentof airplanes sped up delivery.
使用飛機加快了投遞的速度。 - Do you think theemploymentof force was justified?
你想想暴力的使用是正當的嗎? - Ineuropealotoftaxesarecollectedviaemployment.
在歐洲,很多稅是通過僱傭環節徵收的。 - Theycannotrelocatetofindemployment.
他們無法遷移到別處尋找工作。 - Mrfrattinialsobelievesthattheemploymentofillegalimmigrantsdistortscompetition.
佛拉蒂尼還認為,雇用非法移民扭曲了競爭機制。 - Abetterexplanationisemploymentstability.
職業穩定性可以更好地解釋研究結果。 - Manufacturingemploymenthasrisensteadilyfortwoyearsnow.
製造業的就業崗位穩步上升已有兩年了。 - I got this job through anemploymentagency.
- profession job occupation trade vocation career work employment
- 這些名詞均含“職業”之意。
profession:profession以前常指要受過高等教育(尤指法律、醫學和神學)才能獲得的職業,現在一般指為謀生之職,尤指從事腦力勞動和受過專門訓練,具有某種專業知識的工作。 - job:job 泛指一切有報酬的工作。
- occupation:occupation泛指任何一種職業,比job正式,經常用於書面填表中。
- trade:trade指技巧、技能型職業。
- vocation:vocation較正式用詞,語氣莊重,有專業及天職之意,以前常用於教會中的職位。
- career:career指經過專門訓練,終身願意從事的職業。
- work:work指任何種類的工作,也泛指職業。
- employment:employment指受僱的工作,通常能比較穩定領取工資。