



  • 外文名:eminently
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈemɪnəntli]
  • 美式音標:[ˈemɪnəntli]


英 [ˈemɪnəntli] 美 [ˈemɪnəntli]
adv. 非常,特別,極其(含褒義);突出地;顯著地


want eminently 高度希望
Eminently Accurate 非常精準的
serve eminently 出色地招待
pre-eminently 卓越
eminently talented 英俊 ; 英武健壯
eminently practical 特別實用
And Eminently Readable 和突出可讀性
eminently talented people 才幹出色之人
desire eminently 高度地期望


  • She seems eminently suitable for the job. 她看來非常適合這個工作。
  • It's an eminently listenable CD. 這張CD非常好聽。
  • His books on diplomatic history were eminently readable. 他的研究外交史的著作特別值得一讀。
  • Fine bone china is eminently practical, since it is strong and durable. 精細骨瓷是非同一般地實用,因為它堅固耐用。
  • She is eminently suitable for the job. 她顯然很合適那份工作。
  • Everybody here is eminently opposed to it. 這兒的每個人非常反對它。
  • Some of the new ideas look eminently sensible. 一些新的觀點還是十分在理的。
  • The authors are eminently qualified to explore the topic. 這兩位作者非常有資格探討這一主題。
  • That seems an eminently reasonable middle course to me. 對我來說那似乎是非常合理的折中辦法。
  • Bread flour is eminently suited to making yeast breads. 麵包用麵粉特別適合於製作酵母發酵麵包。
  • Mark? I would have thought he was eminently employable. 馬克嗎?我認為雇他非常合適。
  • The new American mood was, if anything, eminently commercial. 新的美國情節意味著,純粹的,異乎常人的商業頭腦。
  • But it's eminently feasible using off-the-shelf engineering software. 但是,運用現成的工程軟體還是極可能實現。
  • But this little book is at once purely Pacific and eminently original. 但是,這個小小的書,是一次純粹的太平洋和遙不可及,原來的。
  • Officially stable versions lag, but the snapshots seem eminently usable. 正式的穩定版本會稍微晚於這個版本,但是這個快照是可以使用的。
  • Now that the possibility is out there, the idea seems eminently plausible. 現在,這個想法顯然看起來似乎有些道理,它確實有一定的可能性。
  • And bear in mind that your request is eminently more reasonable than some. 要記住你的要求比別人的要合理多了。
  • Mills makes it eminently clear that the company will never go into the mobile device business. 米爾斯說得極為清楚,IBM公司絕不會涉足到移動設備業務。
  • Here he is eminently visible, seen through his wife’s startled and (ultimately) horrified gaze. 在這部書中,拜倫的形象在他的妻子震驚最終乃至恐懼的目光里得到描述。
  • But if Lula is right, that grisly economic plotline may no longer be so eminently Latin American. 但如果Lula是正確的,那種可怕的經濟動盪也許將不再是非常拉美式的了。
  • It is more elegant and eminently testable by a humans with a browser by virtue of a complete URL. GET方案更優雅,並且在可測試性上更突出,人們可以使用瀏覽器通過完整的URL完成測試。
  • Laws of conduct, though determined by justice rather than by charity and mercy, are still eminently humane. 法律的行為,但確定的司法,而不是施捨和憐憫,但仍然非常人性化。


