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  • 外文名:emancipation
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ɪˌmænsɪˈpeɪʃn]
  • 美式發音:[ɪˌmænsɪˈpeɪʃn]


Emancipation Proclamation 解放奴隸宣言 ; 解放宣言 ; 解放黑人奴隸宣言 ; 解放黑奴宣言
political emancipation 政治解放
Catholic Emancipation 天主教解放 ; 它使得天主教解放
ideological emancipation 思想解放 ; 解放思想
Emancipation Proclamaion 解放奴隸公告
Emancipation proclaimation 解放奴隸宣言
thought emancipation 解放思想
mind emancipation 思想解放


  • 1On January 1, 1863, during the war, Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation.1863年1月1日,戰爭期間,林肯發表了他著名的《解放奴隸宣言》。
  • 2That also helped in my emancipation.這也有助於我的解放。
  • 3But will emancipation help them?但這解放能幫到她們嗎?
  • 4Also, emancipation is the non-created.當然,解脫是沒有創造的。
  • 5Things are not like that in emancipation.在解脫中事情不是這樣的。
  • 6What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?問:解放宣言的用意何在?
  • 7That is why emancipation is the Tathagata.這就是為什麼解脫是如來。
  • 8I shall gain the fruition of Emancipation.我將要獲得解脫的果實。
  • 9The emancipation of women depends on themselves.婦女的解放依靠她們自己。
  • 10It is the achievement of ideological emancipation.都是思想解放的成果。
  • 11For this reason, emancipation is at once the Tathagata.由於這個原因,解脫就是如來。
  • 12Since nothing of this kind arises, we say emancipation.因為這不會產生任何東西,我們說是解脫。
  • 13We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.我們必須喚起他們為其自身的解放而鬥爭。
  • 14We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.我們必須喚醒他們起來為自己的解放而鬥爭。
  • 15We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.我們必須使他們行動起來為他們自己的解放而鬥爭。
  • 16The Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in the United States.《解放黑奴宣言》在美國廢除了黑奴制度。
  • 17In discussions of the evolution of behavior patterns, what is meant by "emancipation"?在行為模式演化的討論過程中,“解放”意味著什麼?
  • 18For Popper, the central idea of the Enlightenment is "emancipation through knowledge".在波普看來,啟蒙運動的中心觀念就是通過知識獲得解放這一觀念。
  • 19The people of Africa are waging a hard struggle to win the complete emancipation of the continent.非洲人民正在為爭取非洲的徹底解放進行著艱巨的鬥爭。
  • 20But in a state of emancipation, when the entity of Self itself disappears, how can there be selfishness?因為,在個體獲得解放的狀態下,他的自我就消失了,自私怎么可能還存在呢?
  • 21The final goal of listening is for complete liberation or emancipation from all kinds of suffering.聽聞的最終目標是為了從各種痛苦之中完全解放或解脫出來。
  • 22Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation.在五得分年以前,一個偉大的美國人,在誰的代號遮蔽我們台子簽署了釋放宣言。
  • 23On this account, I shall now learn to practise Wisdom and sever the bond of defilement and attain Emancipation.正因為如此,我將會學習實踐智慧和切斷煩惱的束縛並且獲得解脫。
  • 24Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.一百年前,一位美國偉人簽署了《解放宣言》。今天,我們就站在他的紀念像下。
  • 25He speaks and ACTS as he speaks, all for the sake of beings. - It is long since he attained Emancipation in the world.他說並且像他說的那樣做。為了所有的生命-這是他獲得解脫後很久的事了。
  • 26One was born four years after emancipation, suggesting that the liaison that produced those children endured after slavery.其中一個出生於黑奴解放四年之後。
  • 27Ultimately, of course, Lincoln saved the Union, issued the Emancipation Proclamation and stood firmly by it, despite criticism.最重要的一點呢,當然是林肯拯救了美國,簽署並且堅定地維護《解放黑奴宣言》,儘管當時批評紛紜。
  • 28Kill him? No! Death is release, emancipation; death is a favor. Do I owe him favors? You must not hurt a hair of his head.殺了他?不,死亡是赦免,是解脫;死亡是送人情。難道我還欠他的人情不成?你連一根頭髮也不能傷他。


