- 外文名:eclogue
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['eklɒg]
- 釋義:牧歌;田園詩
《牧歌》是維吉爾早期最重要的作品,被認為是拉丁語文學的典範,充溢著濃郁的古羅馬田園風采。《牧歌》共收詩10首。各首詩具體寫作年代無法考證,內容大體是關於一些牧人的生活、愛情故事與美妙的田園風光,有時也涉及一些政治問題,對了解當時的社會及自然環境有很高的史料價值。《牧歌集》(英語:Eclogues /ˈɛ...
eclogue idyl idyll pastoral 田園詩 idyl of landscape 山水田園詩 epic epopee epos idyl rhapsody 敘事詩 同近義詞 n. 田園詩;敘事詩;牧歌eclogue , narrative poem 雙語例句 1.Mother love is resemble one idyl , the distant pureness deep and quiet, and elegant delicate; 母愛就象一首田園詩,幽遠純淨...
ECLOGUE ECL 1-102-2(2CDs)普契尼:波西米亞人(全劇)米蘭斯卡拉劇院 (1981)EMI CDC 7 47967 2 德沃夏克:鋼琴協奏曲(李赫特鋼琴獨奏)巴伐利亞國家歌劇院樂團 (1976)Exclusive EX92T01/02(2CDs)普契尼:波西米亞人(全劇)米蘭斯卡拉劇院 (1979)Exclusive EX92T08/09(2CDs)威爾弟:奧賽羅(全劇)米蘭...
牧歌/THE ECLOGUES 其一/ECLOGUE Ⅰ 其二/ECLOGUE Ⅱ 其三/ECLOGUE Ⅲ 其四/ECLOGUE Ⅳ 其五/ECLOGUE Ⅴ 其六/ECLOGUE Ⅵ 其七/ECLOGUE Ⅶ 其八/ECLOGUE Ⅷ 其九/ECLOGUE Ⅸ 其十/ECLOGUE Ⅹ 注釋 作者簡介 著者:維吉爾(Publius Vergilius Maro)古羅馬國民詩人,歐洲文學史上舉足輕重的人物,影響了莎士比亞、...
John Davidson的戲劇Fleet Street Eclogues(1893年)和A Second Series of Fleet Street Eclogues(1896年)史提芬·桑坦(Stephen Sondheim)和休惠勒(Hugh Wheeler)的音樂劇《理髮師陶德》(Sweeney Todd,the Demon Barber of Fleet Street):艦隊街是故事的發生地點,故事的內容是虛構,儘管可能是以真實事件改編...
so Red 03 繡荷包 Embroidering Pouch 04 響往 Longing 05 弦子舞曲 Xianzi Dancing 06 牧歌 Eclogue 07 耶利亞女郎 Lady Yeliya 08 彎彎的月亮 Crescent Moon 09 在那遙遠的地方 Somewhere Far Away 10 忘不了 Unforgettable 11 讚歌 Paean 12 葬心 Bury my Heart 13 化蝶 Transformation Into Buttefly ...
DCDC Media旗下有Tweak Tone Labs 錄音棚,Muses Eclogue Crew製作團隊, 以及專業宣傳團隊等。公司擁有世界頂尖的製作、錄音、混音、現場演出、 樂隊排練設備,是一個能產出國際化水準音樂作品的音樂基地。公司主要團隊成員均為中央音樂學院等頂級音樂院校畢業,具有良好的音樂修為的同時又長期接受國外前沿行業資訊、學習...
Virgil's Schoolboys adds a new layer of complexity to Virgil's already complex pedagogical afterlife. Reading the ancient Roman poet as an adventurous theorist of instruction, Andrew Wallace examines the relationship between his serial meditations on teaching in the Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid, ...
Maro in 70 BC near Mantua, in what now is northern Italy. His parents, farm owners, were people of property and substance, if not wealth, and were able to obtain for their son a first-rate education. On completing his education, he returned home and possibly began work on the Eclogues...
centos anticipate the avant-garde and smash the image of a staid, sober, and centered classical world. This book examines the twelve mythological and secular Virgilian centos that survive from antiquity. The centos, in which authors take non-consecutive lines or segments of lines from the Eclogue...