



  • 外文名:dynamometer
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[,daɪnə'mɒmɪtə]
  • 美式發音:[,daɪnə'mɑmətɚ]


英 [ˌdaɪnəˈmɒmɪtə(r)] 美 [ˌdaɪnəˈmɑːmətər]
n. 測力計;功率計;動力計


dynamometer /ˌdaɪnəˈmɒmɪtə/
1.N any of a number of instruments for measuring power or force 測力計


Engine dynamometer 發動機測功機 ; 發動機測功器 ; 策念頭測功機 ; 引擎動力計
Dynamometer test 測功器試驗 ; [電] 測功試驗 ; 測功機測試 ; 轉鼓試驗
grip dynamometer 普通握力計 ; 握力計測器
torsion dynamometer 扭轉式測力計 ; 扭力功率計 ; 扭力測力計 ; 扭力測功器
traction dynamometer 拉力測力計 ; 牽引力測力計
dynamometer car 測力試驗車 ; 動力試驗車
motor dynamometer 電動機功率計 ; 電念頭功率計 ; 電動機過率計 ; 電動測功機
Roller type dynamometer 滾筒式測功試驗台
balance dynamometer 平衡計 ; [儀] 平衡功率計 ; [儀] 平衡測力計 ; 翻譯
chassis dynamometer 底盤測功機;框架測力計;慣性模擬系統;底盤動力計


  • Tommy leaned over the dynamometer and spat in the wheel well. 湯米靠在測功機上,朝著車輪吐了口痰。
  • The chassis dynamometer is key equipment in an automobile test line. 測功試驗台是汽車質檢線中的關鍵設備。
  • Dynamometer is a kind of appliance for sports and rehabilitation training. 測力計是體育運動與康復訓練的器具。
  • In industrial production and control area, the dynamometer is widely used. 在工業生產和控制中,測功機套用非常廣泛。
  • Finally, the correct test method is given and verified by dynamometer test. 提出了正確的試驗方法,並用轉鼓試驗進行驗證。
  • Check the water tank of the dynamometer and the circulatory system of filling water. 檢查測功器水箱及補水循環系統。
  • Trunk muscle endurance, hip muscle strength (dynamometer) and gait speed were evaluated. 測量軀幹肌耐力、臀肌力量(測力計)及步行速度。
  • This paper introduces a newly developed piezoelectric two component dyna- mic dynamometer. 本文介紹了一種新研製的壓電雙向動態切削測力儀。
  • And it can automatically detect the measure-range of Hysteresis Dynamometer and different Motors. 能自動識別不同量程的測功機和不同類型的電機;
  • Vehicle chassis dynamometer is an important equipment used to measure the performance of vehicle. 汽車底盤模擬測功機是檢測汽車性能的重要設備。
  • This dynamometer has been tested in some produced mines, the result is good, and achieve the expect goal. 該測力計曾在生產礦山做了試驗,效果良好,達到了預期目的。
  • The VDS software was verified through vehicle performance test on road and on chassis dynamometer machine. 通過實車道路和底盤測功機的性能試驗對VDS軟體進行驗證。
  • If there is no proper available spring wire, rubber band instead of spring made of simple rubber band dynamometer. 如果沒有適當的彈簧鋼絲,可用橡皮筋代替彈簧製成簡易橡皮筋測力計。
  • By this equation, we can calculate the displacement, load and dynamometer diagram at every rod node and any time. 通過求解該方程,可計算各節點不同時刻的位移,計算出載荷,繪出各節點功圖。
  • The primary method and applicable fields of dynamic test and dynamometer in dynamic machinery equipment are summarized. 綜合論述了動力試驗與測功機在動力機械設備測試的基本方法和套用場合。
  • The identification of down-hole dynamometer card is the key to making the diagnosis expert system for pumping with rod. 井下示功圖的自動識別是建造有桿抽油工況診斷專家系統的一個技術關鍵。
  • Based on analysis of calibration method of dynamometer and processing sys - tem. a set of calibration device is designed. 本文在研究切削測力儀的標定方法及分析測試系統的基礎上,設計出一套標定裝置。
  • The system with two control circuits separately for tested engine and dynamometer could conduct engine test automatically. 該系統能夠對柴油機進行全自動測試,它具有柴油機和測功機兩個控制迴路。
  • Using the tension-compression sensor as a measuring element of torque, the measuring, precision of dynamometer was raised. 採用拉壓力感測器作為扭矩測量元件,提高了測功器的測量精度。
  • PLC was used to control the transducer, change current of the dynamometer, so that it can change simulated load resistance. 採用PLC控制變頻器來改變電力測功機勵磁電流的大小,來達到改變模擬載入阻力的要求。
  • This article describes the MSP430-based no-load dynamometer system, including system design of hardware and software design. 本文介紹了基於MSP430的無載測功系統的設計方法,包括了系統設計中的硬體和軟體設計。
  • Although the dynamometer is not accurate enough, but as students practice test weight and qualitative experiment is very good. 這種測力計雖不夠精確,但作為學生練習測物重和進行定性的實驗還是很好的。
  • The measuring precision on D-series hydraulic dynamometer was analysed, and the measures and methods were developed in this paper. 本文對d系列老式水力測功器的測量精度進行了分析,提出了改造測功器的措施和方法。
  • A method for a vehicle durability emission test using a robot driver instead of human drivers on the chassis dynamometer is presented. 提出利用駕駛機器人在底盤測功機上代替人類駕駛員進行排放耐久性試驗的方法。
  • The dynamometer is core equipment of motor performance test station, mechanical drive test station and engine performance test station. 測功機是電機性能測試台、機械傳動測試台、以及發動機性能測試台等試驗裝置中的核心設備。
  • The engineering setting methods of the torque loaded by dynamometer on vehicle exhaust test under driving mode condition are researched. 研究了工況法汽車排放測試中測功器載入扭矩的設定及其工程實現的方法。
  • Feasibility of evaluating light duty vehicle emissions by steady state multi mode emission test on engine dynamometer bench was studied. 研究了用發動機穩態台架模擬試驗評價輕型車整車排放性能的可行性。
  • Introduces the composition and the operational principles behind the blast velocity control system of the motorcycle chassis dynamometer. 簡述了一個機車底盤電力測功機風速控制系統的組成及工作原理。
  • This dynamometer using permanent magnetic eddy load, without any contact, can avoid the velocity limit of mechanical bearing and coupling. 此測功機採用非接觸式載入——永磁渦流載入,可以避免機械軸承和聯軸器的速度極限的限制。


