

dusting,英語單詞,主要用作動詞、名詞,作動詞時譯為“除去……上的灰塵;(把粉等)撒在……上;把(粉狀物)撒於;(非正式)痛打,殺死;(使)布滿灰塵;擊敗(dust 的現在分詞)”,作名詞時譯為“打掃;少量;擊打;薄層”。


  • 外文名:dusting
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:['dʌstɪŋ]
  • 釋義:除去……上的灰塵;(把粉等)撒在……上;把(粉狀物)撒於;(非正式)痛打,殺死;(使)布滿灰塵;擊敗(dust 的現在分詞)|打掃;少量;擊打;薄層


dust /dʌst/ CET4 TEM4 ( dusting, dusted, dusts )
1.N-UNCOUNTDust is very small dry particles of earth or sand. 沙塵
2.N-UNCOUNTDust is the very small pieces of dirt which you find inside buildings, for example, on furniture, floors, or lights. 灰塵
3.N-UNCOUNTDust is a fine powder which consists of very small particles of a substance such as gold, wood, or coal. 粉末
4.V-T/V-I When you dust something such as furniture, you remove dust from it, usually using a cloth. 去除灰塵
5.V-T/V-I If you dust something with a fine substance such as powder or if you dust a fine substance onto something, you cover it lightly with that substance. 用 (粉狀物) 擦塗; 把 (粉狀物) 撒於
6.PHRASE If you say that something has bitten the dust, you are emphasizing that it no longer exists or that it has failed. 不復存在; 失敗 [幽默,非正式]
7.PHRASE If you say that something will happen when the dust settles, you mean that a situation will be clearer after it has calmed down. If you let the dust settle before doing something, you let a situation calm down before you try to do anything else. 塵埃落定 [非正式]
8.PHRASE If you say that something is gathering dust, you mean that it has been left somewhere and nobody is using it or doing anything with it. 閒置


dusting agent 隔離劑
dusting brush 去塵刷 ; 除塵刷 ; 刷子系列
dusting fan 排塵風機
Surface dusting 表面起砂
electrostatic dusting 的翻譯是靜電吸塵
dusting rolls 擦光輥
dusting process 撒粉印畫法
Dusting Rate 粉化率 ; 噴粉量
Floor dusting 地面起砂


