driving myself insane


  • 中文名稱:把自己逼瘋
  • 外文名稱:driving myself insane
  • 歌曲原唱Martin Kember
  • 音樂風格:R&B
  • 歌曲語言:英文
  • 翻譯:《把自己逼瘋》




Drivin myself insane. 我就要讓自己瘋狂
Been bestfriend for two years, 她做了我兩年的最好的朋友
Closer then you can imagine. 比你所能想像的還要親密
Talked to each other daily. 每天都和對方暢談
I don't know just where it happened. 我不知道這一切是怎么發生的
If only I could tell you how I feel inside. 我只能告訴你我內心的感受
(Oh girl you got me.) 喔女孩,你抓住了我的心
Losing sleep, I'm thinking. 失眠,只因我在思考
Can't imagine how it feels to see you riding around with the wrong guy.
Tell me how do I take his place. 告訴我,我該怎么取代他?
You already know. 你已經知道了
Love's (capable?) 愛是(萬能的)
Can't you see who's been there all along. 你難道沒有看到是誰一直陪伴著你么
And I know I can be wrong. 當然也許是我弄錯了
Oh tell me why... 但至少告訴我為什麼……
Did I have to fall in love with you. 我必須和你墜入愛河么?
I'm drivin myself insane. 我就要讓自己瘋狂
I don't know. 我不知道
Without you I can't function no more. 離開你我就一無是處
And you, will never look at me the same. 但你,卻不會把我放在等價的位置
You know it's really drivin me insane. 你知道這一切就要讓我瘋狂
I don't know. 我不知道Without you I can't function. 離開你我就一無是處
I'm drivin myself insane 我正在把自己逼瘋
I'm drivin myself insane. 我正在把自己逼瘋
Hardest thing about this confession. 在這表白中最難以啟齒的
Is it just my doing what we had. 是“我是否只是一廂情願?”
I don't want to lose what we got. 我不想失去我們曾擁有的一切
But it's a chance I'll have to take. 這是我現在必須抓住的機會
Don't want to spend my whole life wondering what it feels like.
Being there beside you and kissing you all night. 只想在你身邊,整夜與你擁吻
See I've been making a mistake. 你看,我犯下了一個錯誤
You already know. 你已經知道了
Love's (capable?) 愛是(萬能的)
Can't you see who's been there all along. 你難道沒有看到是誰一直陪伴著你么
And I know I can be wrong. 當然也許是我弄錯了
Oh tell me why... 但至少告訴我為什麼……
Did I have to fall in love with you. 我必須和你墜入愛河么?
I'm drivin myself insane. 我就要讓自己瘋狂
I don't know. 我不知道。
Without you I can't function no more. 離開你我就一無是處
And you, will never look at me the same. 但你,卻不會把我放在等價的位置
You know it's really drivin me insane. 你知道這一切就要讓我瘋狂
I don't know. 我不知道
Without you I can't function. 離開你我就一無是處
And is it loving you when you lovin him. 當你愛著他的時候我卻深愛著你
Cause no words can describe. 沒有什麼詞句能形容出
How it leaves me empty inside. 這在我的內心留下了多大的空洞
All I want is you. 我只想要你
All I want is you. 我只想要你
Did I have to fall in love with you. 我必須和你墜入愛河么?
I'm drivin myself insane. 我就要讓自己瘋狂
I don't know. 我不知道。
Without you I can't function no more. 離開你我就一無是處
And you, will never look atme the same. 但你,卻不會把我放在等價的位置
You know it's really drivin me insane. 你知道這一切就要讓我瘋狂
I don't know. 我不知道
Without you I can't function. 離開你我就一無是處
I'm drivin myself insane 我正在把自己逼瘋
I'm drivin myself insane. 我正在把自己逼瘋
I'm drivin myself insane. 我正在把自己逼瘋
I'm drivin myself insane.我正在把自己逼瘋


Martin Kember(馬丁·博肯)
一個如此出色的R&B歌手,來自英國倫敦,現居芝加哥。每個聽過他歌曲的人都會情不自禁的迷上他,他將他所擁有美妙性感而又富有磁性的嗓音傾入他的每一首歌中,結合述說故事的形式輕吟傳遞給聽眾獨特的感受。他於1999年發行專輯《One Shade of Love》,之前也為很多歌手製作過專輯。他曾經為許多歌手寫歌,例如Kenny Latimore,獲得葛萊美獎提名的Wayne Brady,Australian Idol的冠軍Guy Sebastian,還和2Pac在Hip Hop方面進行過合作。
Martin KemberMartin Kember
創作和演唱實力兼具的R&B歌手Frankie J,全名Francisco Javier Bautista,1980年11月14日出生於墨西哥提華納,成長於美國聖迭戈市。他在兩歲時隨父母一起來到美國聖迭戈,從小一直說西班牙語,受到cumbias、rancheras(墨西哥傳統民俗音樂)和bandas(側重銅管樂器的墨西哥舞曲)等音樂的薰陶,當然他鐘愛的歌手也包括Michael Jackson、Run-DMC、Stevie Wonder和Brian McKnight。在轉向R&B之前,他還聽Rap和都市流行音樂。受到家人的鼓勵,他在中學就開始唱歌,參加各種才藝表演和比賽。
driving myself insane


