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  • 外文名:dread
  • 英式音標:[dred]
  • 美式音標:[dred]
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞


英 [dred] 美 [dred]
v. 畏懼,擔心;<古>敬畏
n. 害怕,畏懼;令人生畏的人,可怕的事物;(鷗鳥等鳥群的)驚飛,驚起;將頭髮編成“駭人”髮型的人
adj. 令人生畏的,可怕的;惱火的,生氣的
[ 複數 dreads 第三人稱單數 dreads 現在分詞 dreading 過去式 dreaded 過去分詞 dreaded ]


fear od dread 害怕 ; 只要心裡有愛 ; 請相信
Dread Return 顫慄再現 ; 戰慄再現
Natty Dread 清掃恐懼 ; 唱片名 ; 明確的恐怖 ; 拉斯特法里派成員
Merciless Dread 冷酷無情的


  • The prospect of growing old fills me with dread. 想到人會一天天老下去便使我充滿恐懼。
  • My greatest dread is that my parents will find out. 我最擔心的就是父母會察覺出來。
  • Hath it always this dread effect? 它總是有這種可怕的效果嗎?
  • They greet their children's teenage with needless dread. 他們懷著不必要的恐懼迎接孩子們的青春期。
  • They greet their children's teenage with needless dread. 他們懷著不必要的恐懼迎接孩子們的青春期。
  • "I have often," said Smee, "noticed your strange dread of crocodiles." “我常常注意到,”斯邁說,“你對鱷魚有種奇怪的恐懼。”
  • Their dread of bodily injury gave way at once to distress of a different sort. 她們害怕湯姆身體受傷的恐懼立刻變成了另一種痛苦。
  • After World War II, the dread of another Great Depression gave way to an economic boom. 二戰結束後,經濟繁榮取代了對另一場經濟大蕭條的恐懼。
  • I dread being sick. 我特別害怕生病。
  • She has an irrational dread of hospitals. 她莫名其妙地害怕醫院。
  • He sat in his chair, paralysed with dread. 他坐在他的椅子上,嚇癱了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • She thought with dread of the cold winters to come. 想到寒冬即將到來,她就感到恐懼。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • We lived in mortal dread of him discovering our secret. 因為害怕他發現我們的秘密,我們終日惶恐不安。
  • I dread to think what will become of them if they lose their home. 我不敢構想他們如果無家可歸將會怎么樣。
  • I dread to think what would happen if there really was a fire here. 我不敢想像假如這兒真的發生火災會是什麼情景。
  • I dread to think what will happen in the case of a major emergency. 我不敢想像萬一出現重大緊急情況會怎么樣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • They swore again with dread solemnities. 他們又極其嚴肅地發了一回誓。
  • Public speaking fills most people with dread. 公眾演講使大多數人感到恐懼。
  • Remind yourself that most of what you dread never comes. 提醒你自己大多數你害怕的事情永遠不會發生。
  • This stern-countenanced invalid was the dread Henry VIII. 這個面容嚴厲的病人就是威嚴的亨利八世。
  • I dread to think what the carbon footprint must be like of moving that coal, but we have no choice. 我都不敢想像為了運這些煤產生了多少碳足跡,但我們別無選擇。
  • Faced to the bad guys in a sudden, tortuose voice exposed my dread. 突然面對壞人時,扭曲的呵斥聲暴露了我的恐懼。
  • What I dread is to get into a rut. One yearns for freshness of thought and ideas. 我害怕的就是墨守成規。人總是嚮往新思想和新觀念的。
  • Choose your dinner with dread. 恐懼的去選擇晚餐吧。
  • Do you dread calling in sick? 你怕請病假嗎?
  • But this dread is mistaken. 這種憂慮是錯誤的。
  • I often dread returning phone calls. 我通常很不願給別人回電話。
  • You may dread them. 你可能畏懼它們。


