



  • 外文名:digs
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[dɪɡz]
  • 美式發音:[dɪɡz]


digs /dɪɡz/
1.N-PLURAL lodgings 寓所 [英國英語][非正式]


Alfred Digs 阿爾弗雷德挖洞記
Digs Glod 輕鬆挖金礦
Gate Digs 龍門刨
pro digs 劇院公寓房間
My Digs 公爵小屋
coil digs 板卷擦傷
Digs Sand 挖沙
Prairie Dog Digs 草原犬鼠挖洞


  • 1He kept making sly little digs at me.他總是拐彎抹角地挖苦我。《牛津詞典》
  • 2A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs.一支新的丹麥考察隊又在對那個地方進行年度的夏季挖掘。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3She digs and sees a locked box.她會挖到一個鎖起的盒子。
  • 4I can't keep him, because he digs holes in my garden.我不能養它了,因為它在我的花園裡挖洞。
  • 5It's the story about one person who digs to find gold.這是關於一個挖金子的淘金人的故事。
  • 6She often digs at others as if she were better than anyone else.她經常挖苦其他人,好像她比誰都強似的。
  • 7The other boys kept making digs at him because of the way he spoke.他說話的方式引得其他男孩拚命挖苦他。
  • 8She digs the serving spoon into the moussaka.她把分菜匙插進茄合里。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9Are you living at home or in digs?你住在家裡還是寄宿?
  • 10He who digs a pit for others falls in himself.想坑別人的人,會跌進自己掘的陷阱里。
  • 11When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.他要是鑽一個問題,就非鑽個水落石出不可。
  • 12She reaches in, digs her hand deep into the ball, and pulls out a slip of paper.她把手伸進去,手臂深深插進球中,抽出一張紙條。
  • 13Ground surveys allow archaeologists to pinpoint the places where digs will be successful.通過地面調查,考古學家能夠精確定位可成功開展挖掘工作的位置。
  • 14When I was a student, my digs were so bad that you would not even make a dog live in them.當我還是個學生的時候我住的地方非常糟糕,甚至狗都不會住在那裡。
  • 15It will take years before the industry digs itself out from the wreckage left by Andrew. some companies will be buried by it.這個行業要想從安德魯留下的殘局中恢復過來,還需要數年時間。一些(公司)將被它埋葬。
  • 16Digs to the root of Forster's private self.挖掘福斯特自我的根源。
  • 17I can't keep him, he digs holes in my garden.我不能養它了,它在我的花園裡挖洞。
  • 18My wife cautiously digs into it with her fork.我妻子謹慎地用叉子叉進去。
  • 19He digs up to 99 meters in the ground. But yet finds no gold.他在地上挖了99米深,但沒有發現任何金子,然後他就放棄了。
  • 20When we turned 16 we all moved into digs called the Lodge.16歲時,我們搬到一個叫Lodge的宿舍里。
  • 21Archaeological digs in the East Jerusalem are highly controversial.東耶路撒冷的考古挖掘一直非常有爭議。
  • 22It turns out that when a woman digs you, she'll copy your moves.如果一個女人想要了解你,她會模仿你的動作。
  • 23He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made.他掘了坑,又挖深了,竟掉在自己所挖的阱里。
  • 24And then he lands so hard on a street, he digs a ditch in the asphalt.比如說他降落在馬路上時候會把瀝青路面砸個大坑。
  • 25Chapter 3 digs into inheritance (basic and multiple) and polymorphism.第三章深刻講解了繼承(基本繼承和多重繼承)和多態。
  • 26As the user digs deeper into the site, more navigation elements display.隨著用戶對站點的深入訪問,此時可以顯示更多的導航元素。
  • 27Our Paleolithic ancestors called these digs home some 30, 000 years ago.我們的祖先稱這些洞30000年前。


