

diffusivity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“擴散率;[物] 擴散性”。


  • 外文名:diffusivity
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[,dɪfjuː'sɪvɪtɪ]
  • 釋義:擴散率;[物] 擴散性
  • 美式發音:[dɪfjʊˈsɪvɪti]


英 [ˌdɪfjuːˈsɪvɪti] 美 [dɪfjʊˈsɪvɪti]
n. 擴散率;[物] 擴散性


thermal diffusivity 熱擴散率 ; [熱] 熱擴散係數 ; 熱擴散性 ; 導溫係數
eddy diffusivity 渦流擴散係數 ; 渦流擴散性 ; 渦倆散率 ; [流] 渦流擴散率
temperature diffusivity 熱擴散係數 ; 熱擴散 ; 導溫係數 ; 溫度擴散
heat diffusivity [熱] 熱擴散率 ; 熱擴散性 ; 導熱性
mass diffusivity 質量擴散率 ; 擴散係數
molecular diffusivity 分子擴散係數 ; 翻譯 ; 分子擴撒率
air diffusivity 空氣擴散率
mean diffusivity 平均彌散率 ; 平均擴散率 ; 而平均彌散量 ; 平均擴散度
apparent diffusivity 表觀擴散率


  • Select Plastic Material with large thermal diffusivity. 選擇熱擴散係數大的塑膠。
  • The thermal diffusivity of steel and graphite is measured. 測量了鋼和石墨的熱擴散率。
  • The turbulent diffusivity is unfavourable to ascending motion. 湍流擴散作用不利於上升運動形成。
  • The barrier diffusivity of coal effects its combustion greatly. 煤的灰層擴散係數對煤粒的燃燒有較大的影響。
  • Diffusivity is an important parameter of the mass transfer process. 擴散係數是傳質過程的一個重要參數。
  • There is a maximum of the surface diffusivity in high surface coverage. 在表面覆蓋度比較高時,表面擴散係數有一極大值。
  • In materials marked by low thermal diffusivity, the absorption is good. 熱擴散率低的物質吸收性好。
  • Therefore, the method is a simple workable one for calculation of soil water diffusivity. 因此,三次樣條函式法是計算土壤水分擴散率的一種簡便可行的方法。
  • The results show that the thermal diffusivity decrease with annealing temperature elevating. 結果表明:納米氧化鋁的熱擴散率隨退火溫度的升高而減小。
  • So the turbulent diffusivity in gradient transfer model of scalar should be a second order tensor. 因此,在用梯度準則模擬湍流輸運時,其輸運係數應是一個二階張量。
  • Based upon the property of diffusivity function, a new method to enlarge a digital image is proposed. 利用擴散率函式的特性,提出一種實現數字圖像放大的新方法。
  • The results showed that the pore diffusivity decreased with increasing initial protein concentration. 結果表明,蛋白質的孔擴散係數隨初始濃度的增大而下降;
  • The thermal diffusivity of the specimen is determined by a new nonlinear least-square fitting algorithm. 用一種新的非線性最小二乘擬合算法確定出了試樣的導溫係數。
  • With the soil water characteristic curve, the expression of soil water diffusivity is also given in this paper. 並結合特徵曲線方程,給出了土壤水分擴散率的表達式。
  • Ostwald ripening cannot be stopped either; however, it can be slowed if the gas solubility or diffusivity is decreased. 奧斯特瓦爾德熟化同樣無法被阻止,但是如果氣體的溶解度或擴散係數被降低的話,這個過程可以被減緩。
  • A method of using the photothermal effect in the direct measurement of diffusivity of nanometer materials is reported. 報導了一種用雷射光熱效應直接測量納米材料熱擴散率的方法。
  • Then, the bulk density, porosity, the type of pore and clay content in the soil affected the soil moisture diffusivity. 土壤容重、孔隙大小、孔隙類型及土壤顆粒組成中粘粒含量對土壤水分擴散率都有一定的影響。
  • With the increase of temperature the adsorption equilibrium constants decrease while the effective diffusivity increases. 實驗結果表明,有效擴散係數隨溫度升高而增大,吸咐平衡常數則正好相反。
  • Moreover, the sample's thermal diffusivity is measured by MPR radial scanning methods. Experimental results are satisfactory. 同時,我們利用MPR徑向掃描法測量了塊狀樣品的熱擴散率,得到了較好的實驗結果。
  • A test software system for determining thermal diffusivity based on Kingview and transient heat flow method was devel - oped. 本文在自行設計測試裝置的基礎上,開發基於組態王技術的瞬態熱流法測試軟體系統。
  • It was found that the barrier diffusivity depends on the diameters of coal particles the kinds of coal and the thickness of ash. 研究還發現,不同的顆粒直徑、不同的煤種以及不同的灰層厚度、煤的灰層擴散係數均不同。
  • This paper discussed the unsaturated soil water diffusivity and its effect factors in waste water irrigation district in Beijing. 對北京市污灌區非飽和土壤水擴散率及其影響因素進行了研究。
  • Because of the stress diffusivity, reinforced sand blankets decreased the differential settlement on the bottom of the embankment. 由於砂墊層的應力擴散作用,加筋砂墊層減小了堤底的不均勻沉降。
  • A method to measure thermal diffusivity of opaque materials by a laser photothermal scattering technique is introduced in this paper. 報導了一種用雷射光熱散射技術測量不透明材料熱擴散率的方法。
  • A method to measure thermal diffusivity of opaque materials by a laser photothermal radiometry technique is introduced in this paper. 報導了一種用雷射光熱輻射技術測量不透明材料熱擴散率的方法。
  • Methods. Apparent glucose diffusivity measurements were performed on 10 axial and 10 radial AF specimens from bovine coccygeal discs. 方法:測量來自牛尾骨椎間盤纖維環10個軸的和10個輻射的樣品來獲得葡萄糖近似擴散係數。
  • The thermal diffusivity and the calefactive characteristic of Lianrong bread by steam heating were studied via establishing math model. 本實驗通過建立數學模型對傳統蓮蓉包蒸汽加熱過程的熱擴散與升溫特性進行研究。
  • The methods to estimate the moisture diffusivity and the absorption depth were developed for the fissure rice caused by the wet stress. 研究了濕應力開裂過程並提出了估算水分擴散係數和吸濕深度的方法。
  • The permeability, solubility and diffusivity of tritium through metals, ceramics, glasses, elastomers and polymeric materials were studied. 研究了氚在金屬材料、陶瓷材料、玻璃、彈性材料和聚合材料中的溶解度係數、擴散係數和滲透率。


