- 外文名:derogation
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˌderəˈɡeɪʃn]
- 美式發音:[ˌderəˈɡeɪʃn]
毀損,指損傷、損壞、破壞。如:不得~公共財物。基本解釋 1. [derogation]∶對權力、名譽及價值的損害。2. [damage]∶損傷;損壞。引證解釋 1. 損壞;損傷。北魏 酈道元 《水經注·鮑丘水》:“遏立積三十六載,至五年夏六月,洪水...
在英國也有與該原則相應的原則,稱為讓渡人禁貶損原則(non-derogation from grants)。根據該原則,如British Leyland Motor Corp. v. Armstrong Patents Co判例法所闡釋的,不動產(realty)或貨物(goods)的售賣人不得實施任何可能導致買受...
Contents: Preface; Introduction, Alex Conte and Richard Burchill; Procedure under the optional protocol, Alex Conte; Limitations to and derogations from covenant rights, Alex Conte; Democratic and civil rights, Alex Conte; ...
Wu, Q., Tan, C., Wang, B, & Zhou, P. (2015). Behavioral Immune System and Ingroup Derogation: The Effects of Infectious Diseases on Ingroup Derogation Attitudes. PLoS ONE 10: e0122794. doi:10.1371/journal.pone...