- 外文名:derivational
- 詞性:形容詞
- 發音:[,deri'veiʃənəl]
- 釋義:得來的;誘導的
導出轉換(derivational transformation)轉換語法的基本概念之一由基本轉換t可得到導出轉換t".t‘是基本轉換t的導出轉換,若且唯若對於一切的Y‑Yz,... }y,,有 基本轉換t和導出轉換t″,構成了非終極符號串Y‑Yz,...,Y:到另一...
導出劃分 集合論方法描述詞的集合的基本概念 導出劃分(derivational partition),由相應的B等價可以產生詞的集合曰的一個新的劃分,稱為B劃分的導出劃分,記為B' .由導出劃分B'產生的新導出劃分B'與原導出劃分B重合,即B'= B.
語言推導史(derivational history of language )句子推導的歷史.它是語言中利用形式文法推出句子的過程.例如,在英語中有如下的文法:這裡,初始符號S表示句子,NP表示名詞短語,VP表示動詞短語,T表示定冠詞,N表示名詞,V表示動詞,“。’...
推導樹(derivational tree)描述句子結構的樹形圖.設G- C V N f V T f S f P是上下文無關文法,如果有某個成分結構樹滿足下列條件,它就是上下文無關文法的推導樹:1.每一個結點有一個標記,這個標記就是V-VN U VT中的符號....
Derivational affixes are added to an existing form to create a word. This is a very common way to create new words in English. Such a way of word-formation is called derivation and the new word formed by derivation...
research cabe roughly divided into t hree stages according to its relatiowith Generative Grammar (of Sakamoto 1998). The three stages are respectively called as follows: (i) parsing according to the "Derivational ...
從表面上來看,這六個句法結構毫無關聯,但是在本質上它們卻有著一個共同特點:都是某種句法結構的派生形式,即都是一種變異結構(derivational form),不是基礎結構(base form)。本書稿的一個突出特點是就是理論與事實並重。文章在...
languages, a crosslinguistic comparison of important grammatical features that interface with semantics, discussions from the perspective of learnability theory, a discussion of thematic relations, and comparisons of derivational and...
除本書外,還著有Essays on the Representational and Derivational Nature of Grammar: The Diversity of Wh-constructions(2003,與 Joseph E. Aoun合著),以及合編的Chinese Syntax in a Cross-linguistic Perspective(2014),The ...
2015.3. Morphological knowledge affects processing of L2 derivational morphology: An event-related potential study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2016.4. 網路心理諮詢的倫理學思考及對策研究,紹興文理學院學報(哲社版),2011.