- 外文名:culinary
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈkʌlɪnəri]
- 美式發音:[ˈkʌlɪneri]
Culinary Images and Identity 《Culinary Images and Identity》是一本圖書,作者是Garg, Shweta。
《Bobby's Favorite Recipes for the Culinary Retarded》是Lulu Press出版的圖書,作者是BobbyDunham。內容簡介 Recipes written for the person not familiar with culinary terms and ingredients. Family recipes of all ethnic persuasions with very easy to follow directions and color photos. This book is ...
美國烹飪學院原名美國烹飪研究院,英文原文是Culinary Institute of America,正式縮寫為CIA,與美國中央情報局的縮寫一模一樣。美國烹飪研究院是全美最好的烹飪學校。始建於1946年,在美國算得上歷史悠久。正因為此,直到現在,學校布局依然是古典、精緻。簡介 學校最初建在康乃狄克州的紐哈芬市中心,門面只有一家飯館...
[美國] 紐奧良烹飪學院 (紐奧良)Culinary Institute of New Orleans (New Orleans)學校簡介 紐奧良烹飪學院成立於1984年,建院目標是成為烹飪行業的領軍院校。學院為學員提供高質量烹飪培訓教育。作為烹飪教育行業的領軍院校,紐奧良烹飪學院不斷的改善升級自身的師資配備和課程專業,從而保持學院在烹飪教育領域先進的...
烹飪與營養教育(Culinary and Nutrition Education)是中國普通高等學校本科專業。本專業培養具有寬厚的烹飪科學理論和較強創新實踐能力,具有國際化視野和終身學習能力,能在該領域從事科學研究、技術開發、教學、經營與工程管理等工作,德智體美全面發展的套用型複合型高級專門人才。專業定義 烹飪與營養教育主要研究烹飪、...
中國旅遊飯店烹飪協會(英文名:China Tourist Hotel Culinary Association),協會是由中國地區的旅遊飯店,酒店管理公司(集團),餐飲公司(集團)和各級行業組織社會團體和酒店、餐飲經營者、專家、學者、廚師、服務人員等自願依法登記註冊並具有獨立法人資格的非盈利性行業組織機構。主要職能 代表和維護行業相關利益,維護...
法式藍帶廚藝學院(Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Institute)於1895年創建於巴黎,是世界上第一所西餐與西點人才專業培訓學校。經過一百多年的發展,藍帶在30多個國家擁有40多所學校培養來自70多個不同國家的學生,也是世界上規模最大的西餐料理與甜點烘焙職業培訓學校。藍帶勳章為西餐與西點專業最高榮譽獎勵,藍帶裡面...
泰州市烹飪餐飲行業協會(英文名稱Taizhou Association of Culinary,縮寫TACA,簡稱泰州烹協)成立於2000年6月,在泰州市經濟貿易委員會領導下,經泰州市民政局批准,由泰州市四市二區從事烹飪實踐、烹飪管理、烹飪教學、烹飪理論和食品營養研究的企事業單位、民眾團體和個人志願組成的、非營利性的、具有社團法人資格的...
Enriched by over 70 new recipes, the expanded edition is a fascinating collection of 279 authentic recipes that illustrate how Portugal and its former colonies influenced each other's culinary traditions. In the sixteenth century, Portuguese navigators circled the globe, conquering new lands to build ...
《Study Guide to accompany Baking and Pastry》是Wiley出版的圖書,作者是The Culinary Institute of America (CIA)內容簡介 The leading learning tool for all levels of baking and pastry ability, newly illustrated and updated Praised by top pastry chefs and bakers as "an indispensable guide" and "...
The idea and initial concept of WAMC is originally found in the 1950s in Australia. It is established and supporting by fellow culinary masters and professional chefs from around the world who migrated to Australia. WAMC has a broad resources network covering worldwide while connecting and ...
Establishing an interdisciplinary connection between Food Studies and American literary scholarship, Piatti-Farnell investigates the significances of food and eating in American fiction, from 1980 to the present day. She argues that culturally-coded representations of the culinary illuminate contemporary ...