- 外文名:ctpdesrv.exe
- 廣告軟體: 否
- 病毒:否
- 木馬:否
進程檔案: ctpdesrv.exe or ctpdesrv
進程名稱: Personal Media Storage Server
ctpdesrv.exe is a process which belongs to the Creative Personal Media Storage Server. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.
Recommendation for ctpdesrv.exe:
ctpdesrv.exe is not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it.
Author: Creative Technology
Part Of: Creative Audio
安全等級 (0-5): 0
間諜軟體: No
病毒: No ( Remove ctpdesrv.exe )
木馬: No ( Remove ctpdesrv.exe )
Memory Usage: N/A
System Process: No
Background Process: No
Uses Network: No
Hardware Related: Yes
Common ctpdesrv.exe Errors: N/A
分 享 知 識 收 獲 快 樂提供進程詳細信息及解決辦法
分享您的經驗,讓更多人受益!進程位置: unknown
程式用途: unknown
作者: Creative Technology
屬於: Creative Audio
安全等級 (0-5): 0 (N/A無危險 5最危險)
間碟軟體: 否
系統進程: 否
應用程式: 是
後台程式: 否
使用訪問: 否
訪問網際網路: 否