



  • 外文名:cryo
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈkrɑɪəʊ]
  • 美式音標:[kraɪoʊ]


英 [ˈkrɑɪəʊ] 美 [kraɪoʊ]
n. 冷沉澱


Cryo Equipment 低溫裝置 ; 低溫設備 ; 低溫裝備 ; 低溫裝配
Cryo Physic Concepts 低溫物理導論 ; 低溫物理概論 ; 低溫物理概念 ; 低溫物理觀點
Cryo Conduction 低溫導熱學 ; 高溫傳熱學
Cryo Heat Tube 低溫熱管 ; 高溫熱管
Cryo Fundamentals 低溫原理 ; 低溫道理
Cryo-Tonic 淨爽醒膚素
cryo-EM 冷凍電鏡 ; 凍電鏡技術 ; 技術 ; 鏡技術
Cryo Refrigerator 低溫制冷機
Cryo Solid Physics 低溫固體物理 ; 高溫固體物理


  • Megatron, final preparations have begun for Shockwave's cryo-thaw. 威震天,為震動波凍結的最後籌辦曾經開端了。
  • Prior to shipping, cells are detached from flasks and immediately cryo-preserved in vials. 在運輸之前,細胞從培養瓶壁上消化下來後凍存。
  • His NCOs pushed the cryo pods and the bodies of Will and Dante through. More flashes. Silence. 他的軍士們把冷凍艙和威爾、但丁的遺體推進去。更多閃光。安靜了。
  • The major allied Player powers are their Global Upgrades, their Cryo powers, and the Chrono powers. 盟軍的技能主要是全局性的升級,也就是冷凍技術和逾時空技術。
  • For cryonics to work today, it is not necessary that we can currently reanimate cryo-preserved patients. 人體冷凍學出現到今天,我們仍然不能復甦那些冷凍保存的人。
  • High aspect ratio structures have been successfully fabricated by plasma cryo-etching on silicon wafers. 電漿低溫刻蝕是一種針對高深寬比結構的乾法刻蝕技術。
  • The segmentation of color cryo-section images is the key and foundational step in the Virtual Human Project. 彩色冰凍切片圖像的分割是數字虛擬人項目最為關鍵和基礎的部分。
  • Ripley: Theres a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship, and they sold your cryo tube to this… human. 雷普莉:你身體中有一個怪獸,這些人綁架了你,把你賣給了……科學家。
  • To compare the different characteristics of skeletal muscle ultrastructure after conventional chemical and cryo fixation. 比較冷凍和化學固定後骨骼肌超微結構的不同特徵。
  • Therein, both retained austenite decomposition and carbides precipitation were the key factors in the cryo-treating process. 其中殘餘奧氏體的分解和微細碳化物的析出是關鍵因素。
  • Conhclusion The technical solution to reconstruct curve and surface models from cryo-sectional images is feasible and effective. 結論從冷凍切片圖像序列中重建骨組織曲線曲面模型的技術路線可行、有效。
  • Some versions of the tale even tell us that Walt? S cryo-vat is hidden under the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction in Disneyland! 還有些版本告訴我們,沃爾特低溫保存在迪斯尼樂園加勒比海盜景區下面!
  • Action Skill. Press F to throw your Frost Diadem Shard. Your Shard automatically seeks out and Attacks enmies dealing Cryo Damage. 主動技能。按F扔出‘冰霜王冠碎片’。這枚碎片會自動索敵,攻擊時造成冰凍傷害。
  • The results showed that the proper cryo-treatment can improve the hardness and repeated impact-fatigue resistance of HCCI remarkably. 研究結果表明,適當的深冷處理可顯著提高高鉻鑄鐵的硬度、抗衝擊疲勞性能。
  • We can clearly tell the difference constitution of hair follicle under the light microscope after the Cryo-section was stained with HE. 冰凍切片HE染色後在光學顯微鏡下可清楚分辨出毛囊的結構;
  • Conclusion: There existed different morphological features in skeletal muscle after chemical and cryo fixation, especially in triad region. 結論:冷凍和化學固定後,骨骼肌基膜、橫小管、終池等結構存在著不同的形態特點。
  • Bottom row, the corresponding three-dimensional reconstructions of the objects obtained from cryo-electron microscopy. Credit: Cody Geary and Kirill a. 下面一行,分別為利用冷凍電鏡獲得的相應對象的三維重建結構照片來源:CodyGeary與Kirill a。
  • The study show to most of the technics Tl will be set in 65K-100K, then T2 will be in 12K-15K, it is a good temperature to cryo-adsorb Hydrogen, Helium. 通過研究表明對大多數工藝,低溫泵第一級控溫在65K—100K比較合適,此時第二級處於12K—15K左右,處於低溫吸附氫氣和氦氣的最佳範圍內。
  • Refrigerating capacity of cryo-cooler required by HTS filters is also calculated, and its results present that miniature cooler is enough to cool HTS filters. 對濾波器所用製冷器的製冷量進行了計算,計算結果表明可用小型制冷機。
  • After over a year of planning, nearly four months of final cryo (cold) testing and monitoring, the testing on the science instruments module of the observatory was completed. 一年多的規劃後,近四個月的最終低溫(冷)測試和監測,該天文台科學儀器艙段的測試完成了。
  • TPOFF results were similar to both flow-cytometric analysis of tumor cells after isolation and suspension, and fluorescence determined by microscope images of cryo sectioned tumors. TPOFF檢查結果不但與分離並懸浮後的腫瘤細胞流式細胞檢測分析的結果類似,也與腫瘤冰凍切片的螢光顯微成像一致。
  • Long term "cryo" storage of Blood and Blood products at hyper low temperatures is shaping the story of the future of Blood, Blood products and the safety of the public Blood supply. 在超低溫條件下長期冷沉澱保存血液和血液產品決定了血液和血液產品的將來和公共血液供給的安全。
  • Finally, Hill came back. Just in time for Raine to notice that something had begun swinging over the cryo pod from the side, resembling a hypodermic with a dozen wires trailing from it. 最後,希爾回來了,此時剛好雷恩注意到有什麼東西在低溫艙旁邊晃蕩,一打類似的皮下注射器拖著鐵絲。
  • Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and cryoprecipitate, often called "cryo" for short, are transfused to patients who have abnormal or low levels of blood clotting proteins, such as in hemophilia. 新鮮冷凍血漿及冷沉澱物(常簡稱為冷沉澱)可輸給凝血因子異常或缺乏的患者(比如,血友病患者)。
  • Overseas a power failure at a cryo-prison in Alabama during the holiday weekend saw 50,000 inmates thawed prematurely, and in Bangladesh monsoon floods have wiped out hundreds of villages. 在周末的假期期間,阿拉巴馬州的一個低溫監獄裡,由於來自海外的一股無法控制的力量,50,000的獄民被提前釋放,同時孟加拉雨季的洪水已經摧毀了許許多多的村莊。
  • Eventually, she uncovers ten years worth of data at one of the terminals and rushes back to the cryo pods, wiping the glass window, as it cuts to her face, having realized what transpired. 最終,她在一個終端上發現了十年間的數據,她沖回休眠艙,擦開玻璃,鏡頭切換到她的臉,意識到發生了什麼。


