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《crush》是一本Vanguard出版的圖書,作者是Alan Jacobson,本書是暢銷書作家艾倫·雅各布森(Alan Jacobson)在美國聯邦調查局(fbi)調查部門的工作中進行了多年的細緻研究,並對葡萄酒行業的專業人士進行了廣泛的採訪,他創作了一部高速驚悚小說,故事的結尾讓人緊張不安,納爾遜·德米爾(Nelson DeMille)因此稱他為“一個地獄般的作家”。


  • 中文名:crush 
  • 作者:Alan Jacobson
  • 出版社:Vanguard
  • ISBN:9781593155964


Fresh off the most challenging case of her career, The 7thVictim heroine and renowned FBI profiler Karen Vail returns inan explosive thriller set against the backdrop of California’s winecountry.
Hoping to find solace from the demons that haunt her, Vailmakes her first trip to the Napa Valley. But shortly afterarriving, a victim is found in the deepest reaches of the exclusivewine cave, the work of an extraordinary unpredictable serialkiller. From the outset, Vail is frustrated by her inabilityto profile the offender-until she realizes why: the BehavioralAnalysis Unit has not previously encounter a killer like him.
As Vail and the task force work around the clock to identifyand locate him, they’re caught in a web of knotted with secretiveorganizations, a decades-long feud between prominent winefamilies, and widespread corruption that leads Vail to wonder whom,if anyone, she can trust. Meanwhile, as the victim countrises, Vail can’t shake the gnawing sense that something isn’tright.
With the killer’s actions threatening the Napa Valley’smulti-billion dollar industry, the stakes have never been greater,and the race to find the killer never more urgent. And throughit all, a surprise lurks… one that Karen Vail never seescoming.
Meticulously researched during years of work wit the FBIprofiling unit and extensive interviews with wine industryprofessionals, bestselling author Alan Jacobson delivers a highvelocity thriller featuring the kind of edge-of-your-seat endingthat inspired Nelson DeMille to call him “a hell of a writer.”


Alan Jacobson received his Bachelor of Arts in English writing from Queens College of the City of New York, and his doctorate from Palmer College of Chiropractic West in San Jose, California. He has extensive experience testifying as an expert witness, which has exposed him to the many strengths and weaknesses of the judicial system. His previous novels include Crush, The 7th Victim, The Hunted, and False Accusations. He lives in northern California.


